SIGACT News Logic Column
Since 2004, I am the editor of the Logic Column for
the newsletter of the
ACM Special Interest
Group on Algorithms and Computation. All columns are
archived at CoRR.
I am experimenting with an RSS
feed for the column. Feedback welcome, especially if it does not work!
The latest columns:
You are encouraged to send me suggestions for topics I should
cover in the column, including news and communications, as well
as suggestions for authors willing to write a guest column or
to review a book or event related to logic. Even better, if you
are an author willing to write a guest column, then do indeed
get in touch with me. Submission deadlines for columns are as
- March Issue: January 20
- June Issue: April 20
- September Issue: July 20
- December Issue: October 20
Past Columns
Logic Column 17: A Rendezvous of Logic, Complexity, and Algebra (by H. Chen) SIGACT News 37 (4), pp. 85-114, 2006.
Logic Column 16: Higher-Order Abstract Syntax: Setting the Record Straight (by K. Crary and R. Harper). SIGACT News 37 (3), pp. 93-96, 2006.
Logic Column 15: Coalgebras and Their Logics (by A. Kurz). SIGACT News 37 (2), pp. 57-77, 2006.
Logic Column 14: Nominal Logic and Abstract Syntax (by J. Cheney). SIGACT News 36 (4), December 2005.
Logic Column 13: Reasoning Formally about Quantum Systems: An Overview (by N. Papanikolaou). SIGACT News 36 (3), September 2005.
Logic Column 12: Logical Verification and Equational Verification. SIGACT News 36 (2), June 2005.
Logic Column 11: The Finite and the Infinite in Temporal Logic. SIGACT News 36 (1), March 2005.
Logic Column 10: Specifying Confidentiality. SIGACT News 35 (4), December 2004.