Official summary (sightly modified):
Presents a comparative approach to object-oriented
programming and design, with an emphasis on techniques for programming
large-scale systems. Discusses the concepts of object, class,
meta-class, message, method, inheritance, and genericity. Reviews
forms of polymorphism in object-oriented languages. Contrasts the use
of inheritance and composition as dual techniques for software reuse:
forwarding versus delegation and sub-classing versus
sub-typing. Studies main programming language tools and techniques to
facilitate the creation of applications: modularity, encapsulation,
code reuse techniques, design patterns. Basic concepts in
object-oriented design are illustrated by writing programs in one or
more object-oriented languages.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010: Oops. Bug in my implementation of rooms for homework 6. You only ever
notice it if an AutonomousPerson moves into a room with
no exits. The check for an empty list of exits when picking an
exit at random from a room is
broken. Method randomExit() in Room should
def randomExit ():Option[Exit] = {
if (theExits.isEmpty())
Tue, 14 Dec 2010: First off, some people are reporting problems under Eclipse getting
the code to compile. One problem seems to be that the Eclipse
plug-in is unhappy with my class name Clock. So one
solution might be to rename Clock to something
like GameClock or some such, and rename all references
in Adventure.
Second off, I should remind you that while the exam on Thursday is
closed notes, you have the right to a single 8.5"x11"
double-sided cheat sheet.
Tue, 14 Dec 2010: I'll be in my office today (Tuesday) and tomorrow (Wednesday)
15:00-17:30, feel free to drop by if you have questions.
I may have some short one-on-ones scheduled with students within those times, so
if the door's closed, I'd appreciate it if you'd just wait until it opens again before barging in.
Mon, 13 Dec 2010: I'll also be holding office hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, although
at this moment I'm not quite sure of the actual times. I should
be able to fill out my schedule tonight, and I'll post the times
here later tonight.
Mon, 13 Dec 2010: I've uploaded the homework 5 grades on Blackboard.
Please have a look at your full set of grades and let me know if anything doesn't agree with your records.
In particular, if you received a 0 (usually indicating no
submission) for a homework that you're sure you submitted, please
There are a couple of homeworks
that I have received out of band and that are in Nick's hands,
so those grades should be updated in the coming days.
Mon, 13 Dec 2010: I will be holding office hours today, but I may be late for them,
since the whole faculty is in a meeting for the whole day. It
should end at 15:00, but who really knows with those things. If I'm not in when you
show up, just try again ten minutes later.
Fri, 10 Dec 2010: The
submission site
is open for homeworks 6.
As I mentioned multiple times, I will accept submissions until
Dec 17.
Please name your submission adventure.zip, and don't forget
to include a text file called README.txt describing your
team, your extensions, and the classes you modified and
how. Please please don't put it in a Word file (or
anything else annoyingly proprietary.)
Wed, 08 Dec 2010: Here's
the final
exam topics sheet that I went over in class yesterday.
Fri, 03 Dec 2010: The lecture notes for the last two lectures, on
the Publisher-Subscriber and
the Model-View-Controller
patterns, are up.
Fri, 03 Dec 2010: The code
for this morning's lecture on the Model-View-Controller pattern.
Thu, 02 Dec 2010: Homework
6 is out. I will accept submissions for this homework until
Friday, December 17th, the day after the exam. (Extra day because
the homework came out a day after the days I said I would make it
available. Only fair.) Source code for the homework is in the Homeworks
section of the web site, as usual. Look at it, and familiarize
yourself with the code. There's a lot in there for you to look
As I said in class, for this homework, you may work in
pairs. You do not have to, but I strongly recommend it.
Tue, 30 Nov 2010: The code
for this morning's lecture on the Publisher-Subscriber pattern.
Mon, 29 Nov 2010: Here's the final exam information I got from Banner -- let me know
if your information is different:
Final Exam 1:00pm-3:00pm R Shillman Hall 335 Dec 16, 2010 - Dec 16, 2010
So Thursday Dec 16 in the afternoon.
Thu, 25 Nov 2010: Just a little remark. During Tuesday's coffeeshop chat, the
undecidability of the halting problem for Turing machines came
up. And I remembered that I mentioned something like that in class,
and that I wanted to come back to it, but never did. Let me say
something about it here. I claim that there are some problems for
which it is impossible to write a program that correctly solves every
instance of that problem. (A problem may be "addition of two integers",
and an instance of that problem is a pair of integers to add -- that's
a problem for which it is easy to come up with a program to solve
every instance of the problem.)
The problem I have in mind here is "does a program terminate on a
given input?" and an instance of that problem is a program and an
input. I claim it's impossible to write a program to solve every
instance of that problem correctly. In Theory of Computation, you will
see the necessary theory to prove this in general. Here, let me make
the argument specifically for Scheme. (Thanks to Michelle for
reminding me that there is a simple argument for this.)
Concretely, I want to show that it
is impossible to write a Scheme function that correctly solves
every instance of the problem "does a given one-argument Scheme
function terminate
when called on a given
I will argue by contradiction. Suppose that you managed to write such
a program that you claim correctly decides whether an arbitrary
function terminates when called on a given input. Suppose you called
that function (terminates? f x), where f is the
function you want to check for termination when given input
x. I don't care how you managed to write
terminates?. Maybe you did something fancy that actually
checks the source code of function f and does some fancy
analysis on it. The important thing is that (terminates? f x)
should return true when (f x) terminates, and return
false when (f x) does not terminate (for instance,
enters an infinite loop). I show that that supposition, that
terminates? exists, is absurd.
If I had terminates?, I could write the following perfectly
legal Scheme function:
(define (loop-forever) (loop-forever))
(define (HP x)
(if (terminates? HP x)
Now, (HP 0) either terminates, or it does not. Which one is
it? Let's consider both cases.
Case 1, (HP 0) terminates: But then, by assumption,
(terminates? HP 0) must be true, and therefore,
from the definition of HP, (HP 0) must loop
forever, i.e., it does not terminate, contradicting that
(HP 0) terminates!
Case 2, (HP 0) does not terminate: But then, by
assumption, (terminates? HP 0) must be false,
and therefore by definition of HP, (HP 0)
returns 1 immediately, i.e., it terminates, contradicting that
(HP 0) does not terminate.
Because we get a contradiction no matter what, it must be that what we
initially assumed was wrong, i.e., that terminates? works
correctly for every function. Because terminates? was
completely arbitrary, the argument works no matter what the
implementation of terminates? is. In other words, we
cannot write a correct terminates? function in Scheme.
Wed, 24 Nov 2010: The last few lectures have been posted to the website. I've also
uploaded the code I demoed in classes.
Have a good Thanksgiving break!
Wed, 17 Nov 2010: The code
for yesterday's lecture on adapters and iterators is up. Remember the
challenge I left you with: can you design an adapter that adapts
an iterator into a stream? Here's the structure I have in mind:
class IteratorToStream[T] (it:Iterator[T]) extends Stream[T] {
Wed, 17 Nov 2010: Lecture notes for Friday (and part of Tuesday)'s lecture
on mutation
are up.
Mon, 15 Nov 2010: In Question 1(b), when I say
"Note that trying to move a person into a container that cannot hold a
person (i.e., trying to move a person into another person) should
have no effect. We could throw an exception, but for simplicity let's
just fail silently." what I mean by "fail silently" is that the
operation (attempting to move a person into a container that
cannot hold a person) should have no effect, but also not cause
an error. Like adding an artifact to the Limbo room.
Also, later tonight I should be updating the Atlas tester so that it
works with our new Atlases and Rooms, and get some interactivity
Sun, 14 Nov 2010: Homework
5 is out. Due Wednesday 24 Nov, at 22h00. Helper files are
provided in
the Homeworks
section of the web site.
Fri, 12 Nov 2010: Here's the code for the lecture this morning
on mutation
. The exercise I left you with: add copy() methods to each of
the classes that creates a copy of an instance that eliminates any
sharing the instance has with other values.
Tue, 09 Nov 2010: When I talked about multiple inheritance in this morning's lecture, I
mentioned that Scala has a restricted form of multiple
inheritance via traits. Scala uses a linearization approach to
"flatten" the class hierarchy and resolve method lookup (as well
as super). A description of this linearization approach
can be
found in
this blogpost, while a more careful description appears in
Chapter 7 of Wampler and Payne's "Programming Scala", Linearization of an Object's Hierarchy.
Mon, 08 Nov 2010: A few of you have requested a sample solution for the last question of
homework 3, where I asked you to add a stream()
operation to atlases that returns a stream of the rooms in the
atlases. Here is a sample solution, where I add stream()
to the implementation of atlases from homework 2, as opposed to a
binary-search-tree implementation. The subtlety for this question
was to realize that I wasn't asking you to make atlases
themselves support the stream operations, but rather require you
to invoke stream() on an atlas to get a stream out of
it. That's an alternative way to provide a stream interface that
has some advantages. (Of course, there are ways of answering the
question correctly and still have atlases directly support
the stream operations... Think about it if you want.) The way I
implemented it, I added two new (private) classes to the
implementation to support the stream operations.
Fri, 05 Nov 2010: Here's the code for the lecture this morning
on the
implementation of measurable lists via delegation
. Worth looking at and thinking about.
Wed, 03 Nov 2010: Homework
4 is out. Due Wednesday 10 Nov, at 22h00. Helper files are
provided in
the Homeworks
section of the web site.
Wed, 03 Nov 2010: Here's the code for the lecture
on stream
gadgets and for the lecture
on inheritance
and delegation. The latter contains the full code, correcting
the problems I ran into there at the end. I've also used
inheritance slightly differently than I used in lecture for the
reuse of code between the two concrete subclasses
of Point. So check it out. Lecture notes for those two
lectures are still due, and I hope I'll get to them before bed
tonight. Homework 4 is being finished next and should be up
Finally, some statistics about the midterm. The average was 39.8/50
(lower than I'd like), with a standard deviation of 7.7 (could be
Fri, 29 Oct 2010: In an uncharacteristic display of efficiency and proactiveness, the
university cleaning crew quite literally garbage collected the
box of homeworks 1 & 2 I left outside my office
overnight. Meaning that if you have not picked up your homework 1
or 2 and would like to do so, you'll have to drop me an
Also, our TA Nick says that he will be available in the lab tomorrow
(Saturday) 11:00-14:00, to help folks with homework 3 if help's
Thu, 28 Oct 2010: Made a couple more corrections on homework 3 following feedback from
people trying to test their Atlas implementation with the
tester from homework 2. (Which you should do too.) Basically added the
roomInFocus() method back in the ADT. Also changed the
Stream trait from Question 3 to match what we saw in
class. Sorry I didn't see the discrepancy earlier:
trait Stream[A] {
def hasElement ():Boolean
def head ():A
def tail ():Stream[A]
You should download the Stream.scala file again.
Tue, 26 Oct 2010: Following a comment in class this morning, I've updated the support
file Stream.scala from homework 3 so that Stream is
now a trait, and not an abstract class:
trait Stream[A] {
def isEmpty ():Boolean
def head ():A
def tail ():Stream[A]
That may make things simpler
for some of you, and completely unaffect the rest. You should make
that correction, or just download a fresh
version of the file, since we will be testing your solutions using
this updated version of Stream.scala
Tue, 26 Oct 2010: Here is an updated version of the sheet I read this morning in class
summarizing the
topics we've covered in class, to help you review for the
midterm. You will be responsible for anything down in class or written
in the notes for all lectures up to and include those on Friday Oct 22.
Mon, 25 Oct 2010: I've had a few questions on homework 3 at office hours earlier, the
answer to which may be helpful to everyone. The main one if that for
Question 2, I'm asking you to change the representation of atlases you
implemented in homework 2. There, you had to use the representation of
atlases that came out of the specification, thus, three concrete
implementation classes corresponding to the three creators. For this homework, you
can ditch those three concrete classes, and replaced them by something
else. What that something else is is completely up to you, as you long
as it implements something like a binary search tree. You still need
to have those three creators for Atlas, of course, since the
creators are part of the signature I'm asking you to implement, but
those creators will need to instantiate and/or do something with your
new concrete implementation e classes. You may also benefit from having helper methods
in your concrete implementation classes (I had two in my implementation).
The hardest bit of question 2 is definitely getting the
focus() operation to work, which shuffles the tree so that
the room you specify is now at the root of the tree. I admit that I
have a particular behavior for focus() in mind, but any
behavior that yields the room with the name given as argument as the
new root of the tree representing the atlas is fine with me. The
kicker is of course you want to respect the binary search tree
invariant. In my implementation, here's how things look like, if I use
integers instead of rooms. If I start with the following tree:

and then ask it to focus() on 8, then I first go through the
"intermediate" tree

and then in one more step get the result I want:

You don't have to do it that way, of course. But if you get stuck you
can study the above. My implementation has the interesting artifact
that all trees will degenerate to a kind of "broken back" list after
enough focus() operations. I'm happy to live with that.
For question 3, I've added a sample solution to Atlas from
homework 2 to the Homeworks
sections of the website that you can use if you get stuck on question
2. I've also tossed in solutions to OString and
Room, even though most of you got those right.
Sat, 23 Oct 2010: Lecture notes
on polymorphic
classes are up.
Fri, 22 Oct 2010: Here's the code for today's lecture, including the correction to the silly bug I ran into while attempting to compile the "Addable Pairs" class APair there at the end of class. (Debugged at a DD in Warner, NH on my way up to Montreal, in case you were wondering...) Lecture notes will follow sometimes tomorrow once I remember just what I said this morning.
Thu, 21 Oct 2010: Lecture notes
on subtyping
multiple types are up, and all the code for the last few
lectures is also up on the web page.
Wed, 20 Oct 2010: Lecture notes
on implementing
subtyping are up. One more set of notes and the code to go.
Wed, 20 Oct 2010: Lecture notes
on understanding
subtyping -- the business about upcasts and downcasts -- are
up. Two more sets of lectures notes and the code and then I'm up
to date. Hopefully by this evening. (These were the tough ones to
write up because they actually covered almost two lectures.)
Tue, 19 Oct 2010: First off, I hope to have all outstanding lecture notes uploaded to
the web site by tomorrow, along with the sample code.
Second, I left you with an exercise at the end of the lecture. Here it
is. Start with defining a binary tree ADT BinTree with the following
CREATORS empty : () -> BinTree
node : Int BinTree BinTree -> BinTree
OPERATIONS isEmpty : () -> Boolean
root : () -> Int
left : () -> BinTree
right : () -> BinTree
size : () -> Int
empty().isEmpty() = true
node(i,l,r).isEmpty() = false
node(i,l,r).root() = i
node(i,l,r).left() = l
node(i,l,r).right() = r
empty().size() = 0
node(i,l,r).size() = 1 + l.size() + r.size()
Use the Specification Design Pattern, as usual, making sure you
hide all implementation details. Once you've done that, I want you
to make BinTree a subtype of Stream[Int],
where Stream is defined to be:
trait Stream[A] {
def hasElement ():Boolean
def head ():A
def tail ():Stream[A]
Intuitively, the stream should deliver all the elements of the tree, in some
order. (I don't care what order you choose.) Note that you will
probably need some helper classes to do this correctly.
Sat, 16 Oct 2010: Homework
3 is out. Due Wednesday 27 Oct, at 22h00. Helper files are
provided in
the Homeworks
section of the web site. I will add a solution to homework 2
that you can use when you get to Question 2 and 3, but you can
use yours too. Testers will come later.
Thu, 14 Oct 2010: Some of you are encountering weird errors in AtlasTester
related to Some or None. That's because there
are built-in Some and None classes in the Scala
library that my tester uses, and if you called your concrete
classes implementing OString those same names, my tester
will pick up yours instead and will complain because they're not
what it expects. This is the kind of error you'd get:
type mismatch; found: explorer.Value required: String
type mismatch; found: Some required: Option[explorer.Value]
type mismatch; found: Some required: Option[explorer.Value]
The fix is to change the name of your classes in OString
to something like OSome and ONone, or even better,
hide Some and None inside OString, the
way explained in Lecture 7 uploaded this morning.
Thu, 14 Oct 2010: Lecture notes from last week's lecture on information hiding are now
available. They
may come in handy if you want to hide helper functions in your
homework and forgot how I did it in class and could not
reconstruct it.
Tue, 12 Oct 2010: The midterm will be Friday, October 29th, in class (9h50-11h30). Closed
books and closed notes, but I will let you have access to a
single-sided 8.5x11 cheat sheet that you can fill with whatever
you want.
Tue, 12 Oct 2010: Several folks have been emailing me telling me they're running into
problems getting the testers to run under Eclipse. There are a
few reasons why that might happen, but the most likely one is
that code will only run if all the files in your project
compile without error. (Even if the files that do not compile
have nothing to do with the part of the code that you want to
Thus, for example, suppose you download all the testers,
and you start working on OString, and you decide to test
it. If RoomTester.scala is in your project, then it will fail to
compile because you haven't implemented the Room object and class
yet. And because RoomTester.scala does not compile, compilation as a
whole will abort, no compiled code will be produced, and because
there is no compiled code there is nothing to execute, which is
why you get a method main not found or class main not
found. (It looks for main in the compiled code.)
So the solution is to import the testers in your project one by
one, as you complete the various parts of your homework. Or write
the whole thing at once and then test it all.
I will amend the scala instructions I posted yesterday to better
reflect that. Someone please let me know whether that corrects
their Eclipse problems.
Mon, 11 Oct 2010: A few of you seem to be confused about what to do with the testers. I
probably should have posted something like this earlier, but
figured you had learned how to do this in Java in previous
classes, and the mechanism is exactly the same in Scala. But for
those that need a refresher, here are
some notes
on working with Scala.
Mon, 11 Oct 2010: ... And the tester for the Atlas ADT is
available. That
one is interesting. Because we'll start developing code that
represents the game itself, we're moving to more interactive testers
that let us navigate the game world. Those testers will have a common
infrastructure, which is a little interactive interpreter. When you
run the tester (either by calling scala on AtlasTester or
adding the tester to your code and calling the testing function by
hand; see the comments at the top of the tester file), it fires up
the interactive tester. Try it. If when you navigate things don't behave as you expect, then there is probably a bug in your code. (For instance, if you try to go north and you see by calling (print-exits) that there is indeed an exit in that direction but calling (follow 'north) fails, then you either have a bug in your hasExit() method, exitsTo() method, or follow() method.)
Here's a sample run on my system.
Sun, 10 Oct 2010: Added
a tester
for the Room ADT.
Note that the tester is missing one test -- please complete it to get
a complete tester.
I've also modified the OString ADT tester to make the results of
testing more useful.
Sat, 09 Oct 2010: Testers for Room and Atlas ADTs coming soon. Expect them sometimes
Sunday afternoon.
Wed, 06 Oct 2010: Added a tester for the OString ADT.
Wed, 06 Oct 2010: Some of you have spotted the inconsistency in addExit() for
question 2 of homework 2. The signature is correct, it's the
specification that's wrong! I've updated the homework to the
correct specification, so please make sure you read the new version.
Wed, 06 Oct 2010: I've been playing
with SBT,
a "simple build tool" for Scala midway between running Scala from
the command line and running Scala in Eclipse. It has a rather
homegrown-in-my-parents-garage quality to it, but it's still
pretty interesting. If you're handy with installing software
whose instructions assume that you already know how the software
works in the first place, give it a shot. If it ends up useful,
I'll try to post a "tutorial" on it.
Wed, 06 Oct 2010: I've added a copy of my sample solution Direction.scala for homework
1 to the Homeworks section of the web site, if you want to use it for homework
2. Feel free to use yours, though -- as long is passed all the tests.
Sun, 03 Oct 2010: Homework submissions are done through
the Homework
Submission Web Interface, like before.
Sun, 03 Oct 2010: Homework
2 is out. Because it came out two days late, it will be due
two days later than originally planned, so Thursday 14 Oct, at
22h00. I will give you a pristine copy
of Direction.scala implementing the code from homework 1,
as well as some testing code in the coming days.
Sat, 02 Oct 2010: The code I demo-ed in class (and some more) for lecture 3, lecture 4, and lecture 6 is now available.
Sat, 02 Oct 2010: First off, I've updated the lecture notes on
implementation of ADTs.
I've also added the lecture notes from last week, on
and on
Read them, please. There is a lot more in there than I covered in
class, mostly going into details that I skimmed over, especially with
respect to testing. (Conversely, there are things I say in class that
is not covered in the notes, so you should not rely on the notes
If you find errors in the notes, drop me a line. I'll try to keep them
up to date.
Homework 2 coming up soon, as is sample code from the lectures above
in executable format.
Wed, 29 Sep 2010: Submission instructions have been emailed to your husky.neu.edu
accounts, including a unique token that you can use to set your
initial password. Once you have your password, you can submit
homeworks. The submission system can be found
at https://cgi.ccs.neu.edu/~riccardo/cs3500/. Please
get in touch with me if there are problems. You can submit
multiple times, and we will generally only look at the last thing
you submitted by the submission deadline. Note that the
submission system will gsend you back an email confirmation of
submission, including the file(s) you submitted. Please look at
them to make sure that what you submitted was what you thought
you submitted. In particular, submittiing .class files instead of
.scala files is a common error that will probably get you zero.
Mon, 27 Sep 2010: Okay, automatic extension for homework 1 until
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 -- so one extra day -- just so I
can get my act together and work out the kinks out of the submission system.
Sun, 26 Sep 2010: A common question: do you have to provide any code for Q2 of homework
1? Answer: NO. The only thing I want you to do for Q2 is to give
the equations you need to add to the specification to account for
the new creators and operations. Also: I'm still in the process
of figuring out submission instructions. Stay tuned...
Sun, 26 Sep 2010: I'm providing a tester for your Direction ADT in homework
1, DirectionTester.scala. Just
compile it with your Direction.scala file, and run
it. (It has a main() method.) Let me know if anything's wrong.
Sun, 26 Sep 2010: I was reminded that I did not cover equality on Friday, making
answering the question of how to implement equals() on
homework 1 a bit of a problem. Here's the template for
writing equals() in Scala:
override def equals (other: Any) = other match {
case that : Direction => /* case where 'other' is a Direction,
and you use 'that' to access the
argument of equals() *as* a Direction,
e.g., use that.isNorth()...
case _ => /* case where 'other' is not a Direction
Note the use of override, as I mentioned in class, to
override the default. You'll need to do the same for hashCode()
and toString(). Finally, I'll make a tester available to you in
a few hours.
Sun, 26 Sep 2010: Lecture notes for Friday's lecture on object-oriented ADT
implementations posted.
Sat, 25 Sep 2010: Lecture notes for last Tuesday's lecture on ADT
implementations posted. Upcoming,
notes for Friday's lecture, sometimes tomorrow.
Wed, 22 Sep 2010: I've posted the lecture notes for the first two lectures on the course
web page. Here they are, if you want a direct
link: Introduction,
and ADTs.
Lecture notes for the implementation
lecture of last Tuesday should be up sometimes tomorrow.
Wed, 22 Sep 2010: (To file under
better-late-than-never) Homework
1 is out. Due next Tuesday, at 22h00. Submission instructions
to follow in the coming days. I will also provide a tester for
you to play with. (For upcoming assignments, we'll ask you to
come up with a tester.) Note that we do not have all the data to
do Question 1 just yet -- I'll talk about that on Friday. Right
now, focus on Question 0, and you can start thinking about Question 2 as
well, since it does not require coding.
Mon, 20 Sep 2010: I've added links to the installation instructions for the Scala
compiler, plug-ins for Eclipse, and general
documentation on
the web site.
Sat, 11 Sep 2010: I'm setting up the RSS feed for the course. You should see an RSS link up
in your browser. Using a feed reader is probably the best way to keep
up to date with the course. Oh, and welcome, by the way.
Course Information
Time and Location: Tue/Fri 9:50-11:30
108 West Village H
Instructor: Riccardo Pucella,
328 West Village H (#23H)
Office hours: Mondays 15h00-17h30 (in 328 WVH)
Teaching Assistant:
Nicholas Labich (Office hours: Thursdays 12h00-15h00 in 102 WVH),
email: labichn@ccs.neu.edu
Course Web Site: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/riccardo/cs3500
Prerequisites: CS 2510
Textbooks: No textbook for the course. I will post
lecture notes here, and give you pointers to online
documents. You may find the following book useful,
although it is not required, and we won't actually follow it:
- C. Hostermann, Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, 2nd
edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2006
We will use the Scala programming language, which is a
variant of Java developed in Switzerland. There are a few books on
Scala available, and a fair amount of information online, that I
will pass along to you. We will also use and refer to Java at
times. The quality of a programming book is usually inversely
proportional to its size, and my favorite Java book is a slim
volume describing the language precisely -- it is a good book to
have, but again, recommended, not required:
- P. Sestoft, Java Precisely, 2nd edition, MIT Press, 2005.
Grading: Grading will be based on weekly homeworks
(50%), a midterm (25%), and a final exam (25%).
There may also be one or more quizzes, which may count as either
assignments or exams at the whim of the instructor.
While some program assignments may require students to work in
teams, most assignments and all quizzes and exams are individual.
Student work is subject to the Academic
Honesty and Integrity Policy.
Security is an important aspect of
software development. In this course, students are expected to protect
the software they develop from plagiarism. The quality of
this protection will be graded.
Schedule Outline and Lecture Notes
This schedule is subject to change without warning. Readings
will be assigned to supplement lectures, and posted here.
Scala Resources
As I said above, my goal is to use Scala as a programming
language in this course. You can think of Java as the next
iteration of Java, although it is not a Sun language, but rather
was developed at EPFL in Switzerland. More details on the Scala
programming language web site:
The latest stable release is version 2.8.0. This is the version we
will be using. You can download the Scala compiler here:
If you want to use Scala from the Eclipse IDE, then I
suggest you install the Scala plugin for Eclipse (which install
Scala too, so no need to install it separately). The Eclipse
Scala plug-in can be found here:
Note that this seems to require Eclipse 3.5.2 [codenamed
Galileo]. The plug-in for version 3.6 of Eclipse [Helios] seems to
be still experimental, so use at your own risks. I suggest
installing a version of Eclipse 3.5.2 if you want to use the Scala
plug-in. That version of Eclipse can be found here:
You install the plug-in from within Eclipse itself -- here at
the instructions:
If you have any trouble, please send us an email.
If you use a different IDE, you can find some plug-ins for
other IDEs like IntelliJ here:
There is a version installed on the Linux server on the college
network, but that version is 2.7.5, which is unfortunate, because
there has been some changes to the standard libraries between the
two versions. I will ask them to update the install, but it might
take some time. In the meantime I will make my version available
to you there, if you want. Just let me know
There is a fair amount of online documentation on Scala. Here
are some good starting points:
Online Resources