You must attend the lab every week. During every lab there will be a short quiz --- to verify that you understand
that week's material. Labs are held in 212 WVH. Th 11:45 - 1:25 | Dimitris Vardoulakis | Erin McLaughlin |
Week | Labs |
Loops, Accumulator style programs
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ProfessorJ; Data definitions for simple classes,
classes with containment, unions, self-reference, mutual reference. Design recipes for classes
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Methods for simple classes and classes with contaiment, unions,
self-referential data, and mutually referential data
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Designing methods, Using libraries: The World teachpack;
Abstracting classes: lifting fields, lifting methods, creating a super class, a union.
Deriving classes
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Eclipse IDE; Project Management; Applications vs. Applets.
Intergrity of data: constructors, privacy modifiers, exceptions
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Data integrity; Circular Data; Exceptions
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Stateful Classes, Imperative Methods; Abstract Data Types. Equality.
Testing the effects; Imperative World
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Abstracting over the data type, functional behavior, traversals.
Reading Javadocs
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Designing programs with iterators: recursion vs. iteration; ArrayList; Java loops.
Writing Javadocs
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Using Java libraries and algorithms: Overriding toString and equals; Using JUnit
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Using libraries (Maps, hash tables, trees, priority queues)
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User Interactions.