TeachScheme ReachJava
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Courses taught during the past few years

Spring 2009: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Fall 2008: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Fall 2008: CS U101 Computer Science and Its Applications
Spring 2008: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Fall 2007: CS U390 Theory of Computation
Fall 2007: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Spring 2007: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Spring 2007: CS U211 Fundamentals of Computer Science 1
Fall 2006: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Spring 2006: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Fall 2005: CS U211 Fundamentals of Computer Science 1
Spring 2005: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Spring 2004: CS U213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
Fall 2003: CS U211 Fundamentals of Computer Science 1
Spring 2003: COM 1201 Algorithms and Data Structures 2
Spring 2003: COM 1101 Algorithms and Data Structures 1
Winter 2003: COM 1101 Algorithms and Data Structures 1
Fall 2002: COM 1100 Fundamentals of Computer Science

last updated on Tue Jan 13 11:52:44 EST 2009generated with PLT Scheme