
I completed my phd in computer science in March 2013, and currently work at Google as a user experience researcher.
March 2013
I defended my PhD dissertation - Social Desirability Bias and Engagement in Systems Designed for Long-Term Health Tracking
May 2012
Our paper on using mobile phones to give emergency department patients real-time access to their medical record was presented at CHI 2012.
November 2011
I attended the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
September 2011
I completed my thesis proposal.
August 2011
This past summer, I interned at MSR Redmond, working with Amy Karlson, Dan Morris and Desney Tan on Patient-Friendly Information Displays.
June 2011
Our Virtual Nurse Project was featured in the Wall Street Journal.
May 2011
Our note on longitudinal social reactions to computers was presented at CHI 2011.