| 211 S '05 Blog | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Important Messages from the Syndicate this site (XML) |
polynomial | derivative | scheme polynomial | scheme derivative |
4 | 0 | (list 4) | (list 0) |
x + 3 | 1 | (list 1 3) | (list 1) |
x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 4 | 3x2 + 4x + 3 | (list 1 2 3 4) |
(list 3 4 3) |
for handling the case
were we can have just a constant and one function called
for handling the case that we have a term wih an
exponent of at least 1.
Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 6:56:45pm
Here are the various versions of random number lists we talked about today:randoms.ssA couple things to note:
- I used a helper function to test two of these functions. This is a simple use of functional abstraction. One can note that in order to test a function that is produce a list of n distinct numbers, there are two things to test: (1) that there are n numbers, (2) they are all distinct. So, we want to test this every time, but have one function to do it.
- Secondly, I used
to define the accumulator function in the last example. This is an idiom. Essentially, the idiom is as follows: If you ever write an accumulator-style functiondo-something
as:you can usually write is as:(define (do-something a1 a2 ... an) (do-something-acc a1 a2 ... an <base-case>)) (define (do-something-acc a1 a2 ... an base-case) ... )Because, if you see, the only change is that instead of passing(define (do-something a1 a2 ... an) (local ((define (do-something-loop base-case)) ... ) (do-something-loop <base-case>)))a1
, ...,an
as arguments todo-something-cc
, you can make it a local, becausedo-something-loop
already seesa1
, ...,an
Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 6:30:15pm
Here is the code from today that we didn't get to:The first just finds path from two nodes in a graph; we discussed this in class previously. But this one has the small change that we determined if there is a path, but we're not concerned what it actually is. This raises a problem, as we'll see tomorrow, when there are loops in the graph; and this is solved in the second program. The last one simulates a guessing game. The idea is that
Graph paths: graph.ss Graph paths with an accumulator: graph-acc.ss Guessing: guess.ss guess
takes an oracle who tells whether the answer iscorrect
, orlower
than the current guess,n
. The method for guessing is that, at every step, we choose the next guess based on the previous guess and what the oracle tells us. If we guess a number that is higher than the correct answer and our last guess was higher, we'll choose a number right in the middle of the guessed number and lowest. If the last guess was lower, we'll choose a number right in the middle of the last number and the new guess. Therefor, we accumulate the last guess inlast
. Using the method one can guess a secret number in a finite number of tries, depending on the range. Here, the range is 0 to 100. So, the number of guesses is O(f(r)) for a range r. One way of guess the function f, is to run this program many times on many ranges. But in order to do this you need to determine how many guesses were made. So one task (exercise) is to right a new function based onguess
;; guess-tally: (Number -> Answer) Number -> Number ;; returns the number of guesses used is guessing p's number starting ;; with n (define (guess-tally p n) ... )
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005 7:02:37am
Here's the start of ourrandoms
program... try to finish it.And here is the code for the graph traversal we did in class:;; randoms: Number -> (listof Number) ;; returns a list of n random unique numbers (define (randoms n) (randoms-acc n ...)) ;; randoms-acc: Number (listof Number) -> (listof Number) ;; produces a list of n random numbers, and accumulates ;; the result in acc (define (randoms-acc n acc) (cond [(= n (length acc)) ...] [else (cons (random n) (randoms-acc (- n 1) ...))]))find-route.scm
Monday, March 14th, 2005 11:25:17am
Here (world-example.ss) is an example of using theworld.ss
teachpack. You should first read the help documentation, then look at this example. We want to define a world that contains a rocket. World-passing style is a way of programming where that we use to represent the world. In particular we need a definition of the world. So we define the world as a union.The way this teachpack works is as follows: We will call;; Data Def: ;; World is one of ;; -- false ;; -- positive number ;; Interpretation: ;; -- false means the rocket hasn't been launched ;; -- number n means the rocket has been ;; launched and has reached height nbig-bang
and tell it how big the world should be and how often to update it. In our example we have decided to update the world every0.1
seconds. So, every 0.1 seconds this teachpack will look for a function that we have passed toon-tick-event
, and this function should consume a World and produce an updated World. So, we need to define a function, we'll call ittock that consumes a World and returns a new world. For our world our new world will be a new world that contains a rocket that moved a little. We will use the special form:to define a function(update (world-draw w) produce (world-move w)))tock
. This function will update the world on every tick.Think of;; tock : World -> World ;; update the canvas and produce next world (define (tock w) (update (world-draw w) produce (world-move w)))update
as magic. The expression passed to updated will be evaluated on every tick to update our perception of the world; the expression to produce will be evaluated on every tick to produce a new world. One way to think of it isthat these(update ... produce ...)
are linked. Supposed we start by passing a world calledw0
, then the calls totock
are linked in the following way:This keeps going until we callThe world we see: (update w0 produce w0) | | output <-----* |----------* | | V V (update w1 produce w1) | | output <-----* |----------* | | V V (update w2 produce w2) | | output <-----* |----------* | | V V w3 w3 .... wn wn | | output <-----* |----------* | | V V (update wn produce wn)end-of-time
Friday, March 11th, 2005 7:07:22am
Here are the two examples from class yesterday:
Merge sort: mergesort.scm Fractal: fractal.scm Remeber, in structual recursion we recur over the shape of the input data. An example is the template for simple lists. In generative recursion we actually create new data on which to recur. Our examples yesterday were fractals and mergesort.
To explain this in another way, let's look at the English statements for the two.
Structual: For example, consider a function to add 1 to every item in a list of numbers.In English this says "if the input list is empty, return empty; otherwise add 1 to the first item and recursively process the rest of the list.";; add1*: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
;; adds 1 to all in l
(define (add1* l)
[(empty? l) empty]
[else (cons (add1 (first l)) (add1* (rest l)))]))
Generative: Take our merge sort example from class:Note that I've colored coded the English statements and the code. Red corresponds to the termination case, and blue corresponds to the recursive case. In every recursive function you write your must note and state the termination condition. Repeating every recursive function you write your must note and state the termination condition!!!! As a style note, this termination case will usually show up as the first line of your cond statement, too.In English this says "if the length of the input list if 1 or 0 return the list -- it's sorted; otherwise break the list in two and recur on those.";; mergesort: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
;; returns a sorted version of the input list
(define (mergesort lon)
[(<= (length lon) 1) lon]
[else (merge (mergesort (firsthalf lon))
(mergesort (secondhalf lon)))]))
Thursday, March 10th, 2005 10:42:23am
The examples from class today are here:list-functions-examples.scmIn particular we looked at three loops:map
, andfoldr
. What's important to take from each of these is an understanding of what they do, and an understanding of when to use them. The following table shows what they actually do ... not the code.Here are some English meanings:
Loop Contract Meaning map
(X -> Y) (listof X) -> (listof Y)
(map f (list x0 x1 ... xn-1))
(list (f x0) (f x1) ... (f xn-1) )
(X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> Boolean
(filter f (list x0 x1 ... xn-1))
(list (f x0) (f x1) ... (f xm) )
where all(f x0)
(X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y
(foldr f b (list x0 x1 ... xn-1))
(f x0 ... (f x1 (f xn-1 b)))
Here are some concrete examples of using these functions to improve your programs. Note, I've omitted the examples and tests on this page for space reasons, but they are included in list-functions-examples.scm.
(map f l)
: Apply f to all items in l.(filter p l)
: Keeps those items in l for which p istrue
.(foldr f b l)
: Cascade f along the items in l.Example 1:
add1*: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
We want to add 1 to all the items in a list of numbers. The naive implementation is:We can identify;;add1*: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
;; adds 1 to all numbers in l
(define (add1* l)
[(empty? l) empty]
[else (cons (add1 (first l)) (add1* (rest l)))]))
as the function that we're applying to every item in the list, so we can usemap
.;; add1/map*: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
;; adds 1 to all numbers in l
(define (add1*/map l)
(map add1 l))
Examples 2:
negs: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
We want to keep all the negative numbers in a list. The naive implementation is:We can see we are using a predicate --;; negs: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
;; produces a list of on only the negative numbers in l
(define (negs l)
[(empty? l) empty]
[else (cond
[(negative? (first l)) (cons (first l) (negs (rest l)))]
[else (negs (rest l))])]))
to decide whether to keep items -- and this sounds like we can usefilter
.Example 3:;; negs/filter: (listof Number) -> (listof Number)
;; produces a list of on only the negative numbers in l
(define (negs/filter l)
(filter negative? l))
sum: (listof Number) -> Number
We want to sum all the items in a list of numbers. The naive implementation is:We notice, then, that we're cascading;; sum: (listof Number) -> Number
;; sums the numbers is l
(define (sum l)
[(empty? l) 0]
[else (+ (first l) (sum (rest l)))]))
along the items of the list and using0
as the base case. So, we realize this sounds likefoldr
.Finally, we need to know when to use these loops. First, if you ever write the naive implementations above, you should use loops instead. Secondly, you need to identify when to use loops by purpose statements. These are some trigger statements in purpose statements that should lead you to the proper loop.;; sum/foldr: (listof Number) -> Number
;; sums the numbers is l
(define (sum/foldr l)
(foldr + 0 l))
Loop Trigger purposes map
- Do something to all items in a list...
- Remove all items such that...
- Keep all items such that...
- Combine the items of a list...
I have showed you the contracts, meaning, examples, and trigger statements formap
, andfoldr
. You should go ahead and do the same for the rest of the loops. Only after using them can you really understand them!!!
Thursday, March 10th, 2005 9:37:58am
All the examples used in class yesterday are here.
The important topic that we have started talking about is abstraction; in particular we got into loops on Monday. A reason we use abstraction is to have a single point of control for every idea. For example in our example in class we wrote one function that added 1 to every item in a list of numbers and one that subtracted one from every item in a list of numbers. These are the functions:
First, let's abstract over the English version of these functions:;; add1-all: (listof Number) -> (listof Number) ;; adds 1 to all in l (define (add1-all l) (cond [(empty? l) empty] [else (cons (add1 (first l)) (add1-all (rest l)))])) ;; sub1-all: (listof Number) -> (listof Number) ;; subtracts 1 to all in l (define (sub1-all l) (cond [(empty? l) empty] [else (cons (sub1 (first l)) (sub1-all (rest l)))]))To do so we first identify the difference in the two: I have shown these differences in color.
: add 1 to all items in the list sub1-all
: subtract 1 to all items in the list Now we make a more general (or abstract) version of these two functions. It's abstract because there's something missing -- i.e. what to do to every item in the list. We'll call this do-something.
: add 1 to all items in the list sub1-all
: subtract 1 to all items in the list So, what we've done is get rid of everything that is the same in
: do-something to all items in the list add1-all
, and moved it tof1-all
. The parts that were same -- add 1 and subtract 1 -- are turned into a parameter -- do-something. In order to define a function in terms off1-all
we simply decide what to use for do-something; foradd1-all
we can use add 1 for do-something; forsub1-all
we can use subtract 1 for do-something. ConsiderSo, if we replace terms in
: f1-all
where do-something is add 1sub1-all
: f1-all
where do-something is subtract 1add1-all
we have:This was in English. The correlation to Scheme is as follows: instead of English statements, we write functions; instead of defining one sentence in terms of another, we define a function by calling another function. So, instead of creating a new description for
where do-something is add 1'do-something to all items in the list' where do-something is add 1 add 1 to all items in the list f1-al
, we write a function:and pulled out the corresponding difference in;; f1-all: (Number -> Number) (listof Number) -> (listof Number) (define (f1-all do-something l) (cond [(empty? l) empty] [else (cons (do-something (first l)) (f1-all do-something (rest l)))]))add1-all
. Then, to defineadd1-all
in terms off1-all
we decide to use that difference --add1
-- in place ofdo-something
, and this means we callf1-all
passing inadd1
. We do similarly forsub1-all
:But, we can use a loop called(define (add1-all l) (f1-all add1 l)) (define (sub1-all l) (f1-all sub1 l))map
that is even more abstract thanf1-all
. This loop has the following contract:That is,;; map: (X -> Y) (listof X) -> (listof Y)map
takes a function that consumes data of some type X and produces data of some type Y (note X could be the same as Y, but need not), a list of X, and produces a list of Y. It calls this function on every item in the input list and the outcome of that call becomes an item in the output list. So, we can have X and YbeNumber
, and defineadd1-all
as:Consider a call of(define (add1-all l) (map add1 l)) (define (sub1-all l) (map sub1 l))add1-all
on the list(list 1 2 3)
that produces the list(list 2 3 4)
. Visually this looks like this:Another way of thinking about calling
1 2 3 ) ) | | | | add1
| add1
| add1
| | | V V V (list
2 3 4 ) map
with a functionf
and list(list
i0 i1 ... in-1)
,Another loop is(map f
i0 i1 ... in-1)
that consumes a Number n and a function f with contract(Number ->
. It produces a list with n items, where the nth item is the result of calling f on n. That is:Here is an example:(build-list
n f)
f n-1)
;; id: X -> X ;; identity function (define (id x) x) ;; simple-list: Number produce a list of numbers from 0 to n-1 (define (simple-list n) (build-list n id)) ;; Examples (equal? (simple-list 0) empty) (equal? (simple-list 10) (list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
Tuesday, March 8th, 2005 10:49:21pm
Since we're a bit behind and school may be closed tomorrow Assignment 8 will be due Thursday 3/9.
Sunday, March 6th, 2005 11:14:28am
I hope you all had a nice break. I have made assignment 8 due this Wednesday, 3/9, because we will cover loops on Monday. In addition, I have changed the description so that the data structure you're using is calledAuto
, notCar
. If you have started the assignment you will have noticed that defining a structure calledcar
doesn't work. This is becausecar
are another terms forfirst
, respectively; but just not as intuitive.
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005 6:18:50pm
A student (and a good one) challenged that this program, for additional program #1, works:;; find-sublist: LoS LoS -> Number ;; retuns the number of times pat occurs in big (define (find-sublist big pat) (cond [(or (empty? pat) (empty? big)) 0] [(boolean=? (compare big pat) false) (find-sublist (rest big) pat)] [else (+ 1 (find-sublist (rest big) pat))])) ;; compare: LoS LoS -> Boolean ;; returns true if the first series of big is found in pat (define (compare big pat) (cond [(empty? pat) true] [(symbol=? (first big) (first pat)) (compare (rest big) (rest pat))] [else false]))I say it doesn't... can you find the error in it. Hint, here are some tests that fail.
Monday, February 21st, 2005 7:53:12am
Michael will hold office hours this Tuesday, 2/22, from 2:30-4:30pm. Sarah will hold office hours on Wednesday, 2/23 from 11am-1pm. Here is the material from last Monday and Thursday's class:
Monday, February 21st, 2005 7:53:05am
John Patota expressed an interest in using the newsgroup as a means of communication in this class, and I back him up 100 percent. This is a valuable tool to help solve problems and find answers. Kindly, John has written up instructions for using the news group under thunderbird.
Here they are:Now go into SSH Secure Shell Client (Windows)**:
- Click on File->New->Account
- Select the Newsgroup account option
- Enter in your name and e-mail address
- The Newsgroup Server is localhost
- Enter any name you want as the account name
Lastly, go back to thunderbird:
- Start up the client
- Select the Edit menu, and choose settings
- Under the Profile Settings menu, choose tunneling, then select outgoing
- Click Add
- Pick a display name (e.g., "news")
- Select TCP as your protocol
- Enter 1119 as the port number
- Make sure the Allow local connections only is checked
- Enter news.ccs.neu.edu as the destination host
- Enter port 119 as the destination port
- Click Enter
I wrote that assuming users also were forwarding an outgoing connection with smtp.ccs.neu.edu on port 25 as well. Information on this can be found on the System's howto page.
- right click on the newsgroups icon
- select "subscribe"
- navigate to ccs.courses.csu211
- click on the check mark to the right and press ok
Friday, February 18th, 2005 11:38:50am
Homework 7 will be due on Wednesday 2/23, not Monday. I'd suggest you get it done earlier than this, though. Again, the second part of this course is often harder for many students; so don't get behind.
Monday, February 14th, 2005 10:48:12am
The exam results are here. These are histograms of the individual problems, the final score, and one composite of them all. Overall the class did quite well with a median score of about 46/50. Here is an additional breakdown. The problems are "#1" through "#6" and the total score is Total:I will hand the hard copies back in class today (2/14). If you did well, congratulations! But, do not let up. The rest of this course tends to give students more a problem than the first half. But, if you did do well congratulations!
Result #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Total max 8 10 10 12 10 9 58 min 2 0 0 1 0 0 14 median 8 10 7 10 7 5 45.5 mean 7.07 9.07 6.30 9.61 6.76 4.73 43.57 stddev 1.52 2.15 3.13 2.26 2.84 2.96 11.06 mode 8 10 10 11 6 4 48
Thursday, February 10th, 2005 6:27:53pm
No lab Friday (2/11), enjoy it, go skiing!
Thursday, February 10th, 2005 2:32:55pm
The exam location has changed to 13 Snell Library. Same time: 6:30-9:30pm.
Wednesday, February 9th, 2005 6:37:23pm
Michael will hold office hours from 12-2pm tomorrow (2/10) in the regular place. I, also, have my office hours, so please come with questions or just come if you feel lost. Remember, analyze the data, make a template of how one would process that data, make some examples, then start to write functions.
Good luck tomorrow in the exam!
Tuesday, February 8th, 2005 8:56:38am
Sarah will hold office hours Wednesday (Feb 9) from 10am-12pm in the usual place.
Saturday, February 5th, 2005 9:11:47am
Remember the first midterm will be this Thursday (2/10) from 6:30-9:30pm in Richards 200. It will cover all the material from class, the book, labs, and homework thusfar. It will be open book and open notes.
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005 6:17:17pm
Here are the examples from today's class: Remember, always ask the four questions when constructing a template:For example, if we have the data definition for a list of numbers:
- How many cond lines?
- What are the questions for each line?
- What are the selectors for each line?
- Any arrows (i.e. self-reference)?
We ask the first question:;; A ListOfNumber is one of ;; -- empty ;; -- (cons Number ListOfNumber)How many cond lines?and construct the outline of the template:Then ask question 2:;; f: ListOfNumber -> ??
(define (f los)
[ ... ]
[ ... ] ))
What are the questions for each line?and determine the questions to ask:The ask question 3:;; f: ListOfNumber -> ??
(define (f los)
[(empty? los) ... ]
[(cons? los) ... ] ))
What are the selectors for each line?and determine how to take apart our input:Finally, ask question 4:;; f: ListOfNumber -> ??
(define (f los)
[(empty? los) ... ]
[(cons? los) ... (first los) ... ... (rest los)... ] ))
Any arrows (i.e. self-reference)?and the answer is YES, fromListOfNumber
in line 2. For every arrow, we get recursion:;; f: ListOfNumber -> ??
(define (f los)
[(empty? los) ... ]
[(cons? los) ... (first los) ... ... (f (rest los))... ] ))
Monday, January 31st, 2005 6:00:33pm
Here is the material from class today: Also, as I stated in class today, if you receive a 0 on a quiz, that week's homework (turned in the Monday before that lab) will be deducted 50%; if you get a 1 nothing will happen; if you miss lab you will receive a 0 on that homework.
Thursday, January 27th, 2005 6:31:51pm
Examples from today's class are here: Remeber the main example in class today converting images from color to black and white (or greyscale). Our goal was to write a program calledimage->bw
that behaved in the following manner:(image->bw
) ; should produce
Knowledge about images or colors was not important. The important concept that we learned today, was that when we process lists of structures our data definition changes; and when our data definition changes our programs for processing that data changes; so we need to change our templates.
The purpose of a template is to provide you with a systematic way of processing data. When you are processing a list there are certain things that remain constant over all types of lists. Consider the data definitions for a list of numbers and a list of strings; paying close attention to the difference between the two:
So, we see that the only difference between the two is what type the;; A ListofNumber if either
;; -- empty
;; -- (cons Number ListOfNumber)
;; A ListofString if either
;; -- empty
;; -- (cons String ListOfString)
of the list is. So, let's write the templates for these data definitions:Not much is different between the two, except what we do to the;; ListOfNumber -> ??
(define (f l)
[(empty? l) ...]
[(cons? l) ... (number-function (first l)) ... (f (rest l)) ...]))
;; ListOfString -> ??
(define (f l)
[(empty? l) ...]
[(cons? l) ... (string-function (first l)) ... (f (rest l)) ...]))
of the lists... but we expected that, because the change in the template is directly from the difference in the data definition. But what if we consider a list ofPosn
? Let's first consider the data definitions:Then, we can write the template for lists of;; A Posn is a (make-posn x y)
;; where x and y are Numbers
;; A ListofPosn if either
;; -- empty
;; -- (cons Posn ListOfPosn)
s.This is close, but we actually can take our data definition for lists of;; ListOfPosn -> ??
(define (f l)
[(empty? l) ...]
[(cons? l) ... (posn-function (first l)) ... (f (rest l)) ...]))
s a bit further, because we know what makes up aPosn
; so we know how to take it apart.So, since our data definition changes our template must reflect this change!!!;; A ListofPosn if either
;; -- empty
;; -- (cons (make-posn x y) ListOfPosn)
;; where x and y are Numbers
;; ListOfPosn -> ??
(define (f l)
[(empty? l) ...]
[(cons? l) ... ((posn-x (first l)) ... (posn-x (first l))
... (f (rest l)) ...]))
So, the main point is our programs always FOLLOW THE DATA!!!
Tuesday, January 25th, 2005 6:13:43am
Sarah with hold an extra office hour today from 2-3pm.
Sunday, January 23rd, 2005 10:16:22pm
Because of the school closing on Monday 1/24, homework #3 will be due at 4:30pm on Tuesday 1/25.
Thursday, January 20th, 2005 5:59:33pm
Here are a couple examples from today's class:
Thursday, January 20th, 2005 4:13:51pm
Additional Problem 1 of homework 3 had a typo in it that asked you to modifyCalendar
so it would keep track of months. Of course, it already kept track of months, and you should modify it to keep track of days. This has been changed on the assignment.
Thursday, January 20th, 2005 10:15:55am
Per Sean's request, here is the example from class yesterday.
Thursday, January 20th, 2005 9:24:48am
The first assignment included a 30-word description of any problems you encounted. This is now optional and should be a maximum of 30 words. The purpose of this is twofold: First, I want to hear feedback about problems you're having and questions you have that you may not want to voice in class or office hours. Secondly, the 30-word maximum is to get you to write clearly and "to the point"; this will be very valuable in anything you go on to do.
Monday, January 17th, 2005 11:24:59am
You all should have picked up your graded homework #1's in lab. If you didn't, please get them from me. The average was about 16.1 out of 26. Nine of you did not submit homework; if you are one of these people and I have you email address you will have received a message from me asking me to explain why this was the case?
Reminder: Homework #2 is due 1/18 by 4:30, and your contract is due by class time on 1/19. See the general page for information about your contract.
Thursday, January 13th, 2005 3:07:02pm
You will all sign up for lab partners tomorrow. At this time you must -- at least -- get your partner's name, email, and phone number. Since the second homework is due Tuesday and your will not partner up until Friday, the first homework may be done in partners or indidivually. Either, please indicate clearly who worked on any homework handed in.
Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 6:27:01pm
Here is John Patota's explanation of the RSS thingy for the blog.Thanks for the note, John.A few days ago I asked what that RSS link was on the top of the blog. As it turns out, RSS is an easy way to distribute news. Whenever Jeff posts something new on the blog, it gets sent directly to your e-mail messaging program (like Mozilla's thunderbird)
If you use thunderbird, setting this feature up is really easy.
- create a new RSS News and Blogs account. Put any name you wish for the label of the account. The default "News and Blogs" works fine.
- You'll see a new icon which looks like the world come up on the left hand side of the screen, in the Folders panel. In the main window, click on "Manage Subscriptions" which will bring up a new box.
- Add a new account. Remember to input "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/jpalm/211-s05/index.xml" and click OK.
And your done
This new RSS thing is becoming very popular. Tons of websites are sharing to come out with things like this. An example would be our very own Northeastern News. Their RSS feed is "http://www.nu-news.com/articles.rss"
Tuesday, January 11th, 2005 2:53:00pm
Many of you forgot to write the 30-word description of problems you encountered on your homework, and those people lost points. You will lose points for this every time for forgetting this part. Also, many of you turned in loose papers, and this is unacceptable. You must staple or paper-clip your homework.
My office hours will be on Thursday from 2:30-4:30pm. Please come by if you have any questions or if you're running into problems on the homework.
Monday, January 10th, 2005 6:34:29am
If you have not done so, please read the 'Earning a Grade' section of the General Information page. It states the requirements for earning a greade in this course. I will mention this at today's lecture.
Also, our tutor for the term will be Sarah House. She can be reached at
. Sarah's primary responsibility will be grading, but will also hold office hours and pop in lab from time to time.
Friday, January 7th, 2005 5:14:00pm
Everyone please welcome Michael Everett (everett.m @ neu . edu), he will be the TA for the Spring. Michael will run the labs -- starting this Friday 1/14 -- and hold office hours; these office hours will be announced next week.
Thursday, January 6th, 2005 6:39:16pm
The first assignment is due this Monday 1/10 by 4:30, and all assignments will be due at this time. I will post my office hours shortly. In the mean time send any questions to me at:
.Labs will begin next Friday 1/14. You will learn about the format of the labs and decide partnerships. You will complete all labs and homework (after assignmen #1) in partnerships. This is how the real world works, so this is how this class will run. If you cannot make this first lab contact Jeff.
And, remember to brings your name signs next week!
Friday, December 31st, 2004 10:50:30am
Added the gallery.
Thursday, December 30th, 2004 10:08:28am
Welcome to the 211 Blog site for Spring '05. The staff will post important messages here, concerning lectures, projects, presentations, and so on. Make a habit of reading the blog on a daily basis.
Thursday, December 30th, 2004 8:53:35am
Added RSS feed.
last updated on Thursday, April 21st, 2005 10:04:02am | generated with PLT Scheme -- (Source) |