Time and Place: Tuesday and Friday 9:50-11:30pm, Ryder Hall 158
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Instructor: Chris Amato
This course will introduce the student to reinforcement learning. The bulk of what we will cover comes straight from the second edition of Sutton and Barto's book, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. However, we will also cover additional material drawn from the latest deep RL literature. The following list of topics is subject to revisions.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, 2nd Ed., Sutton and Barto
Cheating and other acts of academic dishonesty will be referred to OSCCR (office of student conduct and conflict resolution) and the College of Computer Science. See this link.
Late assignments will be penalized by 10% for each day late with a maximum of two days. For example, if you turned in a perfect assignment two days late, you would receive an 80% instead of 100%.
Primary Instructor: Chris
Amato ( c [dot] amato [at] neu [dot] edu )
Office hours: 12:30pm-2:00pm on Fridays in ISEC 522, or by Appt.
TA: Xueguang Lyu: lu [dot] xue [at] northeastern [dot] edu
Office hours: TBD
Our Piazza page is here.
Required course work is:
Many of the weekly assignments will involve programming in Python. You must be proficient with python and able to install tensorflow on your computer.
We will assign approximately one assignment per week that will be due on Tuesday.
The final project assignment will be found here. The final project can be on any topic related to RL. Students may work alone or in groups of two. Many people choose to work on a project applying a method studied in the class (or a related method) to some practical problem. The amount of project work should be equivalent to approximately three assignments.
We're using Canvas. Details are there.