Time and Place: Thursday, 6-9pm, Snell Library 031
College of Computer and Information Science
Instructor: Chris Amato
Date | Topic | Notes | Reading | Assignment out/due |
9/8/2016 | Introduction, Intelligent Agents | Course Introduction. In addition to the Python/autograder tutorial linked to the right, feel free to have a look at the official Python Tutorial. | Ch 2 | Python/autograder Tutorial (optional, but recommended). This introduces you to Python and the autograder. |
9/15/2016 | Search | Graph Search and Heuristic
Search. |
Ch 3, Ch 4.1 -- 4.3 | PA 1 out |
9/22/2016 | Constraint Satisfaction | Constraint Satisfaction |
Ch 6 | |
9/29/2016 | Adversarial search | Adversarial search |
Ch 5.1 -- 5.4 | PA 1 due, PA 2 out |
10/6/2016 | Intro to probability and decisions | Probability and decisions |
Ch 13.1 -- 13.5, 16.1-16.6 | |
10/13/2016 | Markov decision processes (MDPs) | MDPs |
3.1--3.3, 3.5--3.6, SB
4.1--4.4 Optional: AIMA 17.1-17.3 |
PA 2 due, PA 3 out |
10/20/2016 | Reinforcement Learning | RL |
SB 6.5 | Project out |
10/27/2016 | Markov Models, Hidden Markov Models and Particle Filters | HMMs |
Ch 15.1 -- 15.3 | PA 3 due, PA 4 out |
11/3/2016 | Graphical Models and Inference | Bayes Nets |
Ch 13.3 -- 13.5, Ch 14.1 -- 14.5 | Project proposal due |
11/10/2016 | Graphical Models and Learning | Naive Bayes and Perceptrons |
Ch 20.1-20.2 | PA 4 due, PA 5 out |
11/17/2016 | Machine Learning | Decision Trees |
Ch 18 |
11/24/2016 | No class!! | Thanksgiving | ||
12/1/2016 | Review | Review |
PA 5 due | |
12/8/2016 | Final Exam |
The final exam will be held at our regular class time (6pm) in the regular classroom. It will be 3 hours long. The exam will be open book/notes, but you cannot use your cell phone or a computer (closed internet). Non-programmable calculators are allowed (but you won't need them).
12/14/2016 | Final project due | Project due |
Important note: unless noted otherwise, all readings and assignments are due on the day that they appear in the schedule.
Unless noted otherwise, all readings are from Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Ed., Russell and Norvig.