Time and Place: Monday & Thursday, 11:45-1:25, Richards Hall 300
College of Computer and Information Science
Instructor: Chris Amato
TA: Kechen Qin (qin.ke [at] husky.neu.edu)TA: Apoorva Nagaraj (nagaraj.a [at] husky.neu.edu)
TA: Vinod Vishwanath (vishwanath.vin [at] husky.neu.edu)This course will introduce the student to the fundamentals of artificial intelligence including the following topics:
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Ed., Russell and Norvig
Instructor: Chris
Amato (c.amato [at] neu.edu)
Office hours: 1:30-3pm on Mondays
TA: Kechen Qin (qin.ke [at] husky.neu.edu)
Office hours: 1-2:30pm on Tuesdays
TA: Apoorva Nagaraj (nagaraj.a [at] husky.neu.edu)
Office hours: 11:30am-1pm on Wednesdays
TA: Vinod Vishwanath (vishwanath.vin [at] husky.neu.edu)
Office hours: 2:30-4pm
on Thursdays
Our Piazza page is here. If you haven't already been added, please register.
Required course work is:
Problem sets are due at the beginning of each Thursday class. Students may discuss the problems with other students, but must write up their own solutions.
final project can be on any topic related to AI. Many people
choose to work on a project applying a method studied in the class
to some practical problem. The amount of project work should be
equivalent to approximately two programming assignments. Students
my work alone or in pairs.
Cheating and other acts of academic dishonesty will be referred to OSCCR (office of student conduct and conflict resolution) and the College of Computer Science. See this link.
Late programming assignments will be penalized by 10% for each day late. For example, if you turned in a perfect programming assignment two days late, you would receive an 80% instead of 100%.