HCI Assignments

The following were problems that were encountered with our system:
  1. The app does does not display properly on a device that is not the iphone 6 or 7. The severity of this problem is catastrophic. Solving this problem would require running the simulator on iphones of different types on the app and going through and formatting all the pages such that it displays properly.
  2. Having the scrollable panes on top of each other was restricting when there were too many events in the “my events” or “upcoming events” category of the homepage, and seemed like a waste of space when there was nothing in one of the categories. “My events” and “upcoming events” should also be more visually separated. The severity of this issue is major because it makes the homepage difficult to work with, but it is still useable. The approach that we took to solve this problem was to swap our our tables for “quick preview” windows, that only show two events each. Below these windows, we have a “show more” button that brings the user to a full screen table view of the respective section (MyEvents or Upcoming Events). Also, to address the issue of MyEvents looking like a “waste of space” without any events yet selected, we would put a small message to the user encouraging them to add events. We don’t want to collapse this space as we want to keep our view consistent, so that the user knows where to see their events regardless of if they have any yet. Finally, to increase the level of visual distinction we added more white space to make the sections more clear. We didn’t add background colors as we want to keep consistent across our app, so we will do so in the future if we decide to roll it out across the entire app.
  3. The state of a tab was preserved when switching among tabs, so it was confusing to navigate to get to the original tab page. The severity of this issue is major because it makes use with the app confusing; however, it is not detrimental. One suggestion for this problem would be to have the tab go back to its original state when users leave it, and to have a confirmation dialog informing users that they are leaving the app. This would prevent errors so users are not accidentally kicked off of a tab when they press another tab option.
  4. Inconsistency if an event was free--the price of certain events was “free” and others was “free for students!”. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and we fixed it by making all free events say “Free with Student ID”.
  5. Two boxes for description on an event’s detailed page. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and we fixed it by removing one of the slots.
  6. The title of the event did not always fit on the detailed event page, and would trail off. This was confusing because users sometimes had to guess what the event was if it did not fit. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and we fixed it by centering the title and making the rest go on a new line if it did not fit.
  7. The time of the events was ambiguous because there was not a pm or am next to it. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and we fixed it by adding pm or am next to event times.
  8. No $ next to the price of an event. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and we fixed it so that there is a “$” next to every event price on the detailed event page.
  9. Feedback for when someone said they were “going” to an event was not explicit enough. The severity of this issue is minor and suggestions on how to give users more clear feedback as to whether or not they have RSVP’d to an event would be to have the “Mark yourself as Going” button change color when users press it--perhaps even a toggle. The “on” vs “off” nature of a toggle button is very intuitive here; if the user is going then it is “on”, if they are not then it is “off”.
  10. The label of an individual event should have the date on the left, icon on the right, and the host organization as the sub-text. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and can be fixed by making the information the label gives cognizant of users’ hierarchy of what information they want to receive when they look at the label.
  11. For sports games the format should be: Other School Sport vs. NEU. The severity of this issue is minor and was fixed by organizing events so that they read “(Sport): NEU vs. (Other school)”. We felt that the sport is important to read first and that consistency and visibility wise it is easier to read the other school’s name if it is last because of the way all of the sport events appear in a list in its category.
  12. The alignment of the text on the detailed event page should be consistent. The severity of this issue is cosmetic and was fixed by centering the alignment of the text on the detailed events page.
  13. There should be icons for the “free” and “clubs” categories for consistency. Because the Discover page, labels each of the icons, it’s also redundant to have the icon already be the word. Creating icons to represent clubs and free would not only make it more consistent, but easier in visibility for the easier.
  14. Video, performance, and community icons should be less ambiguous. While testers advised us that this is a cosmetic issue, these icons resemble the ones used my Facebook for these categories of events, and, therefore, users would already be exposed to these same logos. They are also labeled in the Discover page for added clarity.
  15. Search filters would better the searching process. The severity of this issue is minor and can be fixed by implementing category filters right beneath the search bar; the UISearchController supports a relatively simple implementation of this feature.


The simulator can act up a bit, so we reccomend meeting us in person to use the app directly on one of our devices, or walk you through the process on your iPhone if you have one. If this is not an option for you, please follow the instructions below. If you have any difficulties we are happy to help, email appleby.n@husky.neu.edu and we can skype or share our simulator remotely as well!

In order to run our application, you will need to download XCode on your Mac, through the Mac App Store, newest version.
Clone our repo at the following link, and pull down the "events" branch. It is our current working release:
Link to Github
Once this is open, you can run the application through an iphone simulator by pressing play in the top right of the screen, please select iPhone 6 or 7.
Open the iOS app simulation and instead of tapping or scrolling using your fingers, use your trackpad to click on or right-click and scroll to simulate a touch screen. If you'd like to run it on your own device, you'll need to go through a few more steps. Let us know if you're interested.