Reading Papers
All students must read the assigned papers before class. Reading
means working through a text, figuring out the key innovation in
the paper, and making up and working through examples that help
you understand the innovations.
While reading the paper, here are some things to think about. (Bring
your notes and thoughts about these to class.)
- What is the contribution of the paper? How important is this contribution?
- What problem is the paper addressing? How well do they
succeed in solving the problem?
- How would you have addressed the problem?
- Are the language mechanisms intuitive? Easy to use?
Efficient? Scalable?
- What was unclear to you?
- How does the paper relate to other papers we have read?
- Are there any obvious or non-obvious extensions to this work?
- Can you suggest a two-sentence project idea based on the ideas of this paper?
Presenting Papers
In each class, a student will present one or two research
Each presenter must discuss the papers and
presentation with me at least 3 days before the class.
Things to think about when preparing your presentation:
- Your primary goal is to clearly communicate the key ideas
of the paper. In order to do this, you may need to read some
of the related work, and you may need to present background
- Your secondary goal is to prompt discussion about the papers.
- Aim for a talk length of 80 minutes. (Questions during
the talk and discussion afterward should take up the remaining
20 minutes of class time.)
- You do not have time to cover every detail of the
paper. Focus instead on the important and/or interesting
aspects of the paper.
- The structure of the paper is often useful as the
structure of your presentation. However, this is not always
the case. Make a conscious decision about how you will
structure your presentation, and why.
- If you are presenting two papers, think about how you can
synthesize the work in your presentation. How are the two
papers similar? How are they different? How are they related?
- The presentation should be in the format of a lecture.
You may give a whiteboard lecture or a lecture with slides.
(Talk to me about which would be better given the material you
are presenting.)
- Do not read aloud the text on your slides. Do not use
your slides as a crutch. (If you use slides, you must
nonetheless be fluent enough with the material that you
could do the entire presentation using a whiteboard!)
- For advice on giving good presentations, see, for example,
Hill's advice, Matthew
Miller's tips, or Simon Peyton Jones' slides on how to
give a good research talk (via Mark Leone's advice
- Paper Preferences: By Friday, January 18th, send
me a ranked list with your top 3 choices of dates/papers you'd
like to present (with subject "CS7480 Preferences"). I will
confirm presentation dates by Tuesday, January 22nd.
- Partners: I will assign a partner for each
of you to work with. You will help each other prepare for your
presentations, practice the presentations with each other, and
proofread and provide comments on each other's lecture
- Check In: Email me a draft of your lecture
notes or slides at least 4 days before your lecture. By this
point, also make an appointment to meet with me a few days before
your presentation to check in with me.
- Peer Evaluation: Your peers will
anonymously evaluate your presentation with the help of this
evaluation form.
Critiques of Papers
Critiques should be emailed to, with
the subject "
PL critique 2019-MM-DD "(with month and date
replacing MM and DD).
Deadline: Critiques are due by
11am on the day we're scheduled to discuss the paper in class.
Your critiques/reviews should consist of a summary of
the paper, a discussion of its
strengths and weaknesses, and technical comparisons with papers
we've read earlier in the semester (if appropriate). You can also
include discussion of issues you found confusing, as well as
ideas for extensions to this work and ideas for future projects.
In particular, you should try to answer the questions listed in the "Reading Papers" section above. Below are
some additional guidelines.
- Summary 
When writing the
summary (1-2 paragraphs), try not to repeat
sentences/phrases from the paper's abstract, introduction, or
conclusion. Your summary should demonstrate that you understand
the paper and are able to summarize it concisely and place the
work in context. The reader who has not read the paper should
be able to read your summary and find out what the paper is
about. A good summary is one that is more informative than
the paper's abstract!
- Strengths and Weaknesses  Remember that
you are required to list at least 2-3 strengths and 2-3
weaknesses -- i.e., feel free to list more!  Clearly explain
each strength/weakness (usually a paragraph or two). 
Provide specifics, justify your opinions, be accurate,
and be fair. For instance, it's very easy to
criticize a paper for not yet having solved a problem in its
full generality: "the paper tackles System F, but it doesn't
say anything about how we would do this for Java!" Criticism
of that sort is somewhat irresponsible. If the paper is the first to
demonstrate how to do X for System F, assuming X is a
worthwhile problem beyond the level of a graduate student
exercise, then the paper has made a novel contribution that
should be recognized (even if the solution seems
"obvious" to you now that you've read the paper!). Similarly,
it is irresponsible to simply say that the approach "will not
scale." You have to provide a coherent justification for all
your opinions. You must explain why you believe that it
will not scale: "it will not scale because M and N showed
that foo is not possible " OR "it is
unlikely to scale because many attempts to
scale to settings with A failed in the 80s. The main
difficulty with A is how to do B, but this paper does not provide
any fresh perspective on how to tackle B."
There are several questions/criteria that you should
keep in mind as you think about the strengths and weaknesses
of the paper. You may want to read John
Ousterhout's Hints for Reviewing Papers and pay attention
to the questions listed in the "Issues" section and the "Structure"
Last modified: Mon Jan 7 14:21:23 EST 2019