Assignment 7
Programming Language BSL
Due Date Thurs 2/2 at 11:59pm
Possible Points 35
Purpose To begin working with self-referntial data.
Graded Exercises
(define-struct layer [feeling more]) ; An Ogre is one of: ; - "center" ; - (make-layer String Ogre) ; and represents the feelings an ogre has
Exercise 1 Design a function that given an Ogre outputs how many layers it has.
Exercise 2 Design a function that given an Ogre outputs its feelings. The following tests should pass:
(check-expect (feelings "center") "Ogre is feeling:") (check-expect (feelings (make-layer "sad" (make-layer "happy" (make-layer "contemplative" "center")))) "Ogre is feeling: sad happy contemplative")
; A Nat is one of: ; - 0 ; - (add1 Nat)
Exercise 3 Design a function that given a natural number n and a feeling of an Ogre outputs an Ogre that feels that feeling n times.
(define-struct canvas [width height]) (define-struct painting [image loc beneath]) ; A Painting is one of: ; - (make-canvas Number Number) ; which represents an empty canvas of a certain width/height ; - (make-painting Image Posn Painting) ; which represents the top layer of a painting with an image at a position
Exercise 4 Design a function that draws a painting.