Red Book Editions, OpenGL Versions
1. First edition, OpenGL 1.0
2. Second edition, OpenGL 1.1
3. Third edition, OpenGL 1.2/1.2.1 *
4. Fourth edition, OpenGL 1.3/1.4
5. Fift edition, OpenGL 1.5/2.0
Not sure which OpenGL version you have?
Quickly check here. It will tell about
- JOGL Binding info
- OpenGL Vendor, Version, Driver info
- OpenGL Extensions listing
* This is the edition I own.
Difference Between C and Java Examples
- No render calls from listeners compare to C examples.
- Some data, especially n-dimensional arrays, requires wrapping in another buffer object or a direct buffer.
- Swing replaces GLUT's window management API. Also all examples now use GLJPanel
All examples file names are preserved in the Java version; except for double.c, which is renamed to to resolve name conflict with double keyword.
xfont.c, an X Window example, is for Java.
All color index and NURBS examples are not ported since does not support for them.
All examples are doubly buffered and all quits on Esc button.
All examples quit with shut down hook runExit() button.
WebStart OpenGL Examples
I made Java Web Start (JWS) links for all the programs but you may need to set your "file type association" so your browser will download and deploy programs with JWS file extension (.jnlp). As a convenience, I have archived all the JNLP files along with the sources and classes for the examples so you don't have to individually download each examples. You do need to extract the jnlp folder from that archive to get to the individual jnlp file.
1 Intro to OpenGL
Briefs you on the OpenGL graphics system, as an API, what it does, what it do not; provides a couple of examples to show the sequence of steps for a simple rendition and animation.
hello.jnlp 1.1
2 State Management and Drawing Geometric Objects
How to draw geometric primitives, the basic of managing states, steps in using vertex arrays.
varray.jnlp 1.1
mvarray.jnlp 1.4
3 Viewing
Describes the view and modeling, projection, and viewport transformations; working with the matrix stacks, using clipping planes, composing transformations, and reverse transformation.
unproject.jnlp 1.1
4 Color
Colors as a 4-tuple RGBA versus color-index, how to draw colored objects, how shading affect a multicolor polygon.
5 Lighting
Describes light models, material colors of objects, how normals affect light on an object, directional lighting, multiple lights, moving light sources.
6 Blending, Antialiasing, and Fog
blendeqn.jnlp 1.2 ARB_imaging
alpha3D.jnlp 1.1
aargb.jnlp 1.1
multisamp.jnlp 1.3 pic
fogcoord.jnlp 1.4
pointp.jnlp 1.4
polyoff.jnlp 1.1
7 Display Lists
Describes use of display lists to increase performance.
8 Drawing Pixels, Bitmaps, Fonts, and Images
How to draw 2D datas, its uses as font.
image.jnlp 1.1
colortable.jnlp 1.2 ARB_imaging
convolution.jnlp 1.2 ARB_imaging
colormatrix.jnlp 1.2 ARB_imaging
histogram.jnlp 1.2 ARB_imaging
minmax.jnlp 1.2 ARB_imaging
9 Texture Mapping
How to map 1D/2D images to geometric objects for added effect.
texsub.jnlp 1.1
texbind.jnlp 1.1
cubemap.jnlp 1.3
multitex.jnlp 1.3
combiner.jnlp 1.3
shadowmap.jnlp 1.4
10 The Framebuffer
Describes the many uses of possible buffers.
11 Tesselators and Quadrics
How to use tessellators and quadrics.
tess.jnlp 1.1
tesswind.jnlp 1.1
quadric.jnlp 1.2
12 Evaluators and NURBS
Use of curves and surfaces.
surface.jnlp 1.1
surfpoints.jnlp 1.2
trim.jnlp 1.1
13 Selection and Feedback
Describes use of selection to choose object drawn, and use fo feedback to collect drawing info GL produces.
14 Now that you know
The book has no examples for this chapter.
Querying and Printing an Error
Is an Extension Available
Is a Function Available
Update Log
20070227. one archive, repackaged
20060629. fixed texture3d, font
20060606. JWS program to get info about your GL
20060429. moved jnlp files to
20060420. 4th ed examples
20060419. page edits, links, ads; fix logo problem
20060417. 3rd ed. ARB_imaging examples available
20060415. remove more JSE1.5 code; many fixes
20060411. red book 2nd ed. available; src|jnlp in jar file