Version: 5.2.1


Northeasetern University Progamming Research Laboratory
My friends and colleagues that strive to make the art and craft of program design easier, more systematic, secure, reliable, and flexible. People who prove daily that understanding how the languages are designed helps one to become a better programmer and software designer. People who challenge and inspire me every day.   

The TeachScheme/ReachJava team
Matthias Felleisen, and Shriram Krishnamurthi, who started and envisioned it all up, Robby Findler, Matthew Flatt, and Kathy Gray, who all took part in the early days of the ReachJava project, Kathi Fisler and Steve Bloch who kept the flame glowing by running numerous workshops and extending the curriculum, John Clements and David Van Horn, who taught with me and gave me new insights on a number of topics in the curriculum.   

The ReachJava and tester library early adopters and followers
Marc Smith, Marco Morazán, Todd O’Bryan, Sharon Tuttle, Mike Sperber, Juan Carreón, Nadeem Abdul Hamid, Glynis Hamel, Michael Olan, Robert Ordóñez Lon Levy whose comments, feedback and encoragement helped in making this project what it is today.   

The Tester team: people who contributed to the design and development of the tester library:
Weston Jossey, who started the GoogleCode repository, Sachin Vanugopalan, Virag Shah, Niko Stapczynski, Pavel Metrikov, Mike Sperber, and Steve Edwards who embedded the tester library in the Web CAT submission and grading system.   

The Java Power Tools team:
Richard Rasala and Jeff Raab, as well as Jennifer MacDonald, one of the first most powerful users.