Vincent St-Amour
1 Research [Scribble bibliography]
2 Teaching
3 Lab
4 Code

Vincent St-Amour

  • I am now research associate at Northwestern University. See my new web page here.

  • I received my Ph.D. from Matthias Felleisen, in the Northeastern University programming languages group.

  • I am working on performance tooling for non-expert programmers. I Like compilers, extensible languages and parentheses.

  • Resume.

By popular demand, Racket stickers are available here.

See them in action!

1 Research [Scribble bibliography]

2 Teaching

I’m not teaching at the moment.

In the past, I’ve taught How to Design Programs with Jesse Tov and Olin Shivers. I’ve also taught Object-Oriented Design with Will Clinger and Compilers with Olin Shivers.

3 Lab

If you’re in the Boston area and are interested in programming languages, check out the PL and PL Jr. seminars.

4 Code

Most of my code is either on Github, in the Racket codebase or on the Racket package catalog.

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