package music; import javax.sound.midi.*; /* * Class to simplify the interface to the Java Sound API * */ public class MidiPlayer { /* * local data */ private Receiver receiver; private Synthesizer synth; private int beat; /* * Java constructor * Initializes all fields */ private MidiPlayer (Synthesizer s, Receiver r, int b) { synth = s; receiver = r; beat = b; } /* * Create a new instance of the MidiPlayer object, * Takes a beat as an argument, that is used to determine * how long a quarter note will play (in milliseconds) using * that player */ public static MidiPlayer create (int b) { try { Synthesizer synth = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer( ); ); Receiver synthRcvr = synth.getReceiver(); return new MidiPlayer (synth,synthRcvr,b); } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { throw new RuntimeException ("MIDI does not seem available."); } } /* * Close the object * Required to free the MIDI resources */ public void close () { this.synth.close (); } /* * Play a note using the player * Actual length of the note is determine by the beat * supplied when the player was created */ public void play (Note n) { try { ShortMessage start = new ShortMessage(); ShortMessage end = new ShortMessage(); start.setMessage (ShortMessage.NOTE_ON,0,n.number(),n.volume()); end.setMessage (ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF,0,n.number()); receiver.send(start,-1); Thread.sleep((int) n.length(this.beat)); receiver.send(end,-1); } catch (Exception e) { return; } } }