©2005 Felleisen, Proulx, et. al.

9  Using Iterators; ArrayList Class; Designing Tests


In this lab you will learn to work in a more complex Java environment, using a library, using a simple test harness, and using classes from the Java Collections Frameworks. You will also encounter a RuntimeException, though no work is necessary on your part.

9.1  Organizing your work.

Download the lab zip file and unzip it. Start a new Project in eclipse with the name Lab9. Add all .java files from the unzipped lab folder to your project. You should have the following files:

The Test Harness: use it to define data and write tests.

When designing a program it may be appropriate to see the results of all the tests. However, as the program size increases, the number and complexity of tests grows as well and it becomes increasingly more difficult to read all the results and process the information the results represent. A test harness is a program that provides for the user a way to organize the tests so that all the relevant results are reported in an organized manner. Additionally, a test harness may verify that all the paths through the program were tested (every clause of every statement was executed).

Out very simple test harness provides the following methods:

// reporting only the result of a test
test(String testname, boolean result);

// test verifying expected.equals(actual)
test(String testname, Object expected, Object actual);

// test verifying expected.same(actual)
test(String testname, ISame expected, ISame actual);

// test verifying expected == actual
test(String testname, int  expected, int actual);

// and one of the above for all primitive types except:

// test verifying expected same as actual within epsilon
test(String testname, 
      double  expected, double actual, double epsilon);


// produce a report of all failed tests
void testReport()

// produce a report of all tests
void fullTestReport()

The programmer then collects all tests in the class Examples that extends the SimpleTestHarness and designs a method runTests that runs all the tests and reports the results.

The test harness keeps a record of all tests, and of all failed tests and provides methods for reporting the results.

For example the following would provide one test for each of the methods size() and get(0) when invoked by the object ArrayList object data:

public void runTests(){
  // two sample tests
  test("Sample data length", 57, data.size());
  test("First word", "envision", data.get(0),);
  // add more tests here ...

  // produce a report of the failed tests      

  // produce a report of all test results

The method runTests can then be invoked by the
public static void main(String[] argv)
anywhere, or in our Interactions class.

The JPT Library: supporting user interactions.

You project will use the jpt.jar library. It is saved in a folder that has the name edu.neu.ccs.jpt - following the Java conventions for naming packages of library files. Your lab instructor will guide you through the instructions for adding the library to your project.

Run the project. The GUI window with the buttons for each public method that takes no arguments and produces void is generated automatically from the Interactions class. In the Interactions class you can use the JPT console. You can use the console for the following kinds of interactions:

// display the given String in the console
console.out.println(String s);

// display the prompt and await user's input: must be given!
String s = console.in.demandString("prompt ");

// display the prompt and await user's input:
// hiting return with nothing typed in cancels the request
String s = console.in.requestString("prompt ");

// display the prompt and await user's input: must be given!
// if input does not represent a number, error is reported 
// in the console and a new input is demanded (till success)
int n = console.in.demandInt("prompt ");

// display the prompt and await user's input
// if input does not represent a number, error is reported 
// in the console and a new input is requested 
// (till success, or until hitting return with no input 
// cancels the request
int n = console.in.requestInt("prompt ");

These commands exist for all primitive types (double, boolean, etc.).

To Do: Warmup with interactions and examples.

For the rest of the lab you can add methods to the Interactions class if you wish to explore your program's behavior, or interact with the program through the console.

Algorithms: contains code to use and test; is not modified here.

The class Algorithms is a collection of methods that can be used with several different data sets and with a variety of function objects - a collection of reusable methods. For the start it only has one variant of orMap and two variants of a filter.

We also added two helper methods to provide the data for a challenge problem.

9.2  Designing and Using Function Objects.

To Do: Designing functions objects.

9.3  Working with the ArrayList.

ArrayList is a class that represents a collection of data that can be accessed in order. Additionally, every element can be accessed directly by specifying its position (index) in the ordering. The first item in this collection is at index 0.

Here are some of the methods defined in the class ArrayList:

// how many items are in the collection
int size();

// add the given Object at the end of this collection
// false if no space is available
boolean add(Object obj);

// return the object at the given index
Object get(int index);

// replace the Object at the given index 
// with the given element
void set(int index, Object obj);

The methods you design here should be added to the Examples class, together with all the necessary tests.

To Do: ArrayList direct access

9.4  ArrayList Traversal Using the Iterator.

There are several different ways a programmer can use to traverse an ArrayList. We use an implementation of our IRange iterator.

Writing methods that use the IRange iterator for traversal is identical regardless of the underlying structure. The first two problems are simple and straightforward. For the second two you should use one of the two given filters. Again, implement these methods in teh Examples class.

To do: Using the iterator directly

To do: Using loops and iterators

9.5  Challenge Problem.

The sample data provided in the class Algorithms is encoded. To decode it, you need to remove from the list all Strings that do not start with one of the allowedPrefixes defined in the Algorithms class.

Design the method or methods that perform the decoding.

Hint: Produce a function object that checks whether the given String starts with one of the allowedPrefix-es.

Last modified: Monday, March 14th, 2005
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