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Source code for part 1 of the assignment Hw9part1.zip
Source code for part 3 of the assignment eliza.zip
I extended the simple test harness so it also compares the expected and actual values of the IRange type. It assumes that the elements of the structure referenced by the iterator implement the ISame interface. You can download it from here and use it to run some of the tests.
jpt.jar zipped in edu.neu.ccs folder jpt.zip
Here are several text files of data for various cities. The last one is quite large and you do not need it for this assignment.
Addendum 1: We decided to drop the Problem 9.6 from assignment 9. However, if you already put the effort into it, save it, as it will appear on assignment 10.
Addendum 2: The selection sort in the Problem 9.7 is best done when the data to be sorted as well as the data it produces is stored in an ArrayList. You should not need to use the iterators for that problem. To get to a particular item in the ArrayList all you need to know is its index. The while statement, instead of proceeding to the next iterator, proceeds to the next index (one larger than the current one).
Due Date: Monday, March 21, 2005 at 6:00 pm.