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Course Staff


Course Staff

Office Hours

Viera K. Proulx













A. Student








Use CCIS email (@ccs.neu.edu) to reach the instructor or the grader; usernames are given above.

If you cannot make the instructor’s office hours, please schedule an alternate time via email or in person after the lecture.

Lectures are held Thursdays at 6:00pm - 9:00pm in 221 Hayden Hall



When solving a problem you can use all the results seen in class. You should not use other sources. I want you to spend your time thinking about the problems, not searching for a solution on the web.

Some of the exercises will be routine, but others will be more challenging. I do not expect you to solve all of the homework problems, but I hope that you will benefit from working on the more difficult ones.

A few additional hints on the homework assignments:


Assignment submission:

Homework is due in hardcopy form by the beginning of class on the announced due date. Programming assignments submission details will be provided as necessary. You will be granted one homework extension, to be used at your discretion, no questions asked. After the first late assignment, unexcused late assignments will be penalized as follows:

Any assignment turned in to me (or to the grader) personally, or placed in my mailbox in 202 WVH in a sealed envelope by the end of the workday on Friday will incur a 10% penalty.

You will incur a 30% late penalty if it appears in my mailbox by 3:30 the following Monday; it will incur a late penalty of 50% if it appears in my mailbox by 3:30 the following Tuesday.

No assignments will be accepted beyond the 50% late penalty period.

Also, there will be one or two assignments that will not be accepted late at all because solutions will be provided at that class period to help you prepare for an upcoming exam. When this is the case it will be clearly indicated on the assignment.

If you will have a valid reason for turning in an assignment late, please see me in advance to obtain full credit.

Grading of the Assignments:

We will employ a somewhat unusual grading scheme.

Your final grade is calculated as follows:

There will be three quizzes. The last quiz will be held during exam week. The other quizzes will be held during regular class times.

Half of your least-scoring quiz will be "dropped." That is, it will not count towards your final grade.

Quizzes are "closed-book." except for one page of hand-written notes. You cannot bring any book, notes, or electronic device.

Your least-scoring problem-set will also be "dropped." That is, it will not count toward your final problem-set grade.

Quiz dates: