Instructor: Viera K. Proulx
Instructor designs and implements this class, leads lectures, creates the labs, assignments, and exams.
Tutors and TAs: Ravi V. Rao and Swati Keshavamurthy.
Tutors and the MS degree candidates TAs have, in the past year or two, mastered the material of this course; they teach in labs, hold office hours, grade assignments, and can remember what it’s like to be lost. They are here to gain a deeper understanding by teaching what they know to others.
Office Hours
Ravi V. Rao
11.30am - 1:30pm
Swati Keshavamurthy
Use CCIS email ( to reach any of the course staff; usernames are given above.
Lectures are held Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:35am-3:15am in 102 WVG
Late policy: there is no late policy; solutions to assignments as they exist at the time of the deadline will be graded.
Laptop policy: no laptops in class.
Academic honesty: we will strictly enforce Northeastern’s academic integrity policy. You may discuss problems with other students, but you should not share or show code to anyone other than your assigned partner. Violations of academic integrity will be reported to OSCCR and will have a negative impact on your grade.
Computing Environment
You will complete your assignments (other than the first one) using the Java 1.6 on the Linux machines in the labs. You may choose to use another IDE but your program must run in the designated environment without any changes. The staff may not be able to assist you with issues encountered in other environments.
The instructions for homework submission will be included with each assignment.
There will be one problem set each week. Most of the assignments are designed to be worked on individually. That means that you may not copy any part of your classmates’ work at any time.
If you do not understand any part of the assignment, make sure yu ask questions early on.
Due Date: Tuesday at midnight, unless otherwise specified. We will not accept late homework.}
All programs must be completed strictly by you alone. You
are free to discuss the problem sets with others, so long as you
acknowledge discussants. However, you may not share code in any
way. Submitting code that is not your own will be considered a
violation of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy (pages 38—
There will be an in-class midterm exam (date to be announced) and a regularly scheduled final exam during the exam week.
You will get a gpa for your homework and for your exams. You must have both a passing homework gpa and a passing gpa to pass the course. For the final grade, we will assign aout half to the homework grade and half to the two exams, with about 10% to the instructors’ whim.