Reading and Preparation
You have now decided whether you are working on a client of on a server, and know which game your are working on.
Review the posted protocol and communicate with your counterparts to finalize the protocol.
Post the finalized protocol on the wiki in such way that is it easily found. I plan to look at it later this week.
By Sunday evening submit your server or your client. Post the file on the wiki - identify clearly whether it is a client or a server - and for which game. Of course, inlcude the names of the partners in the header, as you would for a regular submission.
If there are flaws in your program - it does not respond correctly to some messages, it always declares the first player to be the winner, etc. --- make sure your documentation mentions such shortcommings.
Use the wiki to communicate with your partner team.
Bring your work to class on Monday, February 1st at 6:00 pm -- in 212 WVH.
On Monday we will do codewalks of your programs. I will choose which group will present. Both partners should be able to answer questions about any part of the code.