import java.util.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; /** * * @author Viera K. Proulx * @since 4 April 2010 * * This class reads the Mars image files * generated by the Viking Explorer and provided by NASA. * The program that wishes to use that data can read the labels * from the String labels field and get the image byte data * from the BufferedInputStream bytestream */ public class MarsFileReader{ /** the input reader for reading the text labels */ protected BufferedReader buffer; /** the byte input reader for reading the pixel shade data */ protected BufferedInputStream bytestream; /** the file reader - used first to read lines, then bytes */ FileInputStream filestream; /** the file that holds the original images */ File marsfile; /** one line of input at a time */ protected String line; /** the labels read from the Mars file */ protected String labels; /** the buffer that saves the user-generated image */ BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(320, 306, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); /** a flag to see if the input file is available */ boolean closed = true; public MarsFileReader() { /** build a file chooser and have the user choose a file, quitting this operation if the user canceled the choice */ JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser("."); /** set the file extension to be .bmp or .png */ chooser.setFileFilter(new ImageFileFilter()); this.closed = false; /** see if file was selected - quit if user canceled */ if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ this.closed = true; return; } /** now we can set up the buffer to read labels */ try{ this.marsfile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); this.buffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.marsfile)); } catch(FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("File not found exception: " + e); this.closed = true; } /** reading the labels and the histogram data */ int count = 0; while(!this.closed && count < 73){ /** read one line of input from the selected file * and extract values for the first city */ getnext(); count ++; } System.out.println(this.labels); /** now we set up the FileInputStream for the user to process */ try{ this.filestream = new FileInputStream(this.marsfile); this.bytestream = new BufferedInputStream(this.filestream); //... now we jump ahead the number of bytes seen // so we can read the colors this.bytestream.skip(3672); } catch(FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("File not found exception: " + e); this.closed = true; } catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("Error when reading bytes: " + e); this.closed = true; } } /** * Process next item, if available */ private void getnext() { if (!this.closed) try{ if (this.buffer.ready()){ this.line = new String(this.buffer.readLine()); if ((this.line == null)){ this.buffer.close(); this.closed = true; } else{ this.labels = this.labels + this.line + "\n"; //System.out.println(this.line); } } else{ this.buffer.close(); this.closed = true; } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in reading line exception: " + e); this.closed = true; } } public static void main(String[] argv){ System.out.println("ready to read"); MarsFileReader mfr = new MarsFileReader(); System.out.println("done reading"); } } /** * Class used to assure that only file names with the suffix .bmp * and .png are seen in the FileChooser dialog. * * @author Viera K. Proulx * @since 4 April 2010 * */ class ImageFileFilter extends FileFilter{ public boolean accept(File f){ // accept if file name has no suffix return !f.getName().contains(".") ; } public String getDescription(){ return "Bit map, png files, and files with no suffix"; } }