import edu.neu.ccs.gui.*; import edu.neu.ccs.util.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * A simple GUI for selecting the start and end point for * graph traversal algorithm between the 48 US states, and * invoking one of the three algorithms: Breadth First Search, * Depth First Search, or Shortest Path * * @(#) 30 November 2007 * Viera Proulx */ public class GraphAlgoView extends Display implements JPTConstants{ /** a list of all 48 states */ protected String[] states = new String[]{"AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA", "IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND", "NE", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY"}; /** The view to select the start state */ protected DropdownView fromView = new DropdownView(states); /** The view to select the start state */ protected DropdownView toView = new DropdownView(states); /** The display to hold the view for selecting the start state */ protected ScrollableDisplay fromDisplay = new ScrollableDisplay(fromView); /** The display to hold the view for selecting the start state */ protected ScrollableDisplay toDisplay = new ScrollableDisplay(toView); /** A list of three choices of algorithms for user to select */ protected String[] algoChoices = new String[]{"Breadth First Search", "Depth First Search", "Shortest Path"}; /** perform breadth first search when this choice is made */ SimpleAction bfsAction = new SimpleAction(){ public void perform(){ bfs(fromView.getViewState(), toView.getViewState()); }; }; /** perform depth first search when this choice is made */ SimpleAction dfsAction = new SimpleAction(){ public void perform(){ dfs(fromView.getViewState(), toView.getViewState()); }; }; /** perform shortest path search when this choice is made */ SimpleAction spAction = new SimpleAction(){ public void perform(){ sp(fromView.getViewState(), toView.getViewState()); }; }; /** The list of three actions the program can take */ protected Action[] algoActions = new Action[]{bfsAction, dfsAction, spAction}; /** The view for selecting which algorithm to perform */ protected OptionsView algoChoiceView = new OptionsView(algoChoices, algoActions); /** a stub for the breadth first search algorithm: * replace the body with a call to your algorithm implementation */ public void bfs(String fromState, String toState){ System.out.println("BFS selected: from " + fromState + " to " + toState); } /** a stub for the breadth first search algorithm: * replace the body with a call to your algorithm implementation */ public void dfs(String fromState, String toState){ System.out.println("DFS selected: from " + fromState + " to " + toState); } /** a stub for the breadth first search algorithm: * replace the body with a call to your algorithm implementation */ public void sp(String fromState, String toState){ System.out.println("SP selected: from " + fromState + " to " + toState); } /** * The constructor */ public GraphAlgoView() { super(); // add the internal panel to the Display add(createDisplay()); // set the title and annotation for the Display setTitleText("Graph Algorithms"); } /** * Construct a table panel display for selecting * from and to state and the algorithm to run */ protected TablePanel createDisplay() { TablePanel graphAlgoDisplay = new TablePanel(new Object[][]{ {"From:", this.fromView}, {"To:", this.toView}, {"Algorithm:", this.algoChoiceView}}, VERTICAL, 5, 5); return graphAlgoDisplay; } /** Run a simple test */ public static void main(String[]argv){ GraphAlgoView graphAlgoGUI = new GraphAlgoView(); GeneralDialog.showOneButtonDialog(graphAlgoGUI, "Travel USA", "Exit"); } }