Welcome to CS2510
Please, check this page daily for any last-minute announcements about the class, assignments, lectures, and other information.
Mon Apr 7 14:34:25 EST 2014
Final Project Code Reviews
will be held on
Thursday, April 10 9:15 am - 11:45 am in 210 WVH
Thursday, April 10 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm in 212 WVH
Thursday, April 10 9:15 pm - 11:45 pm in 210 WVH
Sign up sheet is posted on my door: 322 WVH
Please, signup with your partner!
Mon Mar 31 17:31:45 EST 2014
The room for Exam 3 on Tuesday April 8th 6:00 - 9:00 pm is 201 MU
Sun Mar 30 23:51:36 EST 2014
As promised, the final project instructions are up.
Additional details on how to create a maze will be posted soon.
Wed Mar 26 14:15:16 EST 2014
Plans for the rest of the semester
Exam 3: 4/8/2014 Tuesday 6:00PM - 9:00 PM
Assignment 11 - the last regular assignment - is posted - due on 4/2/2014
Final Project
The assignment will be posted by 3/31/2014
First (preliminary) submission will be due on 4/9/2014
Project reviews will be done on 4/10/2014
at 9:15 - 11:45
at 1:30 - 5:30
Additional time for reviews will be on 4/14/2014
at 9:15 - 11:45
Final version of the project will be due on 4/16/2014
Lab 12 on 4/1/2014 - covers GUIs, user interactions, imperative games, sound
Lab 13 and Lab 14 on 4/8/2014 and 4/15/2014 is reserved for your work on the final project. The TAs and tutors will be available to help.
Regular lectures on 3/27, 3/31, 4/2, 4/3
4/7: Exam review and Summary of what we have learned.
4/9: Special lecture on comparison of Java with other programming languauges preview of what will be covered in the Object-Oriented Design course.
4/10: Project reviews
4/14: Project reviews during the morning lecture only - no afternoon lectures.
Wed Mar 26 8:45:20 EST 2014
Exam 3 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, April 8th 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Sample exams from past years are here:
Wed Mar 19 18:00:00 EST 2014
The instructions for the make-up take-home second exam will be posted on the WebCAT at 6:00 pm
Click on the line Exam2 Take-Home Make-up: in WebCAT to get the exam instructions and questions.
Mon Mar 10 20:41:35 EST 2014
The review session for Exam 2 will be held on Tuesday, March 11th 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the room 335 SH
Tue Feb 26 16:19:45 EST 2014
Links to previous versions of Exam 2:
================================================================= Wed Jan 29 12:49:31 EST 2014
Method isBalanced: incorrect specification - revised here:
Design the method isBalanced that determines whether a mobile is balanced.
A simple mobile is always balanced.
A complex mobile is balanced if every mobile that hangs from it is balanced, and the weight of the left side multiplied by the length of the left strut equals the weight of the right side multiplied by the length of the right strut.
(So if I hang weight 3 on the left and weight 5 on the right, then the length
on the left should be 5 and the lengh on the right should be 3 —
Tue Jan 28 16:09:39 EST 2014
Links to previous versions of Exam 1:
Sun Jan 5 15:35:34 EST 2014
If you do not have a CCIS user account you need to get one. Go to the room 313 WVH pick up the form from the box outside, fill it out, follow the instructions.
Make sure you have a CCIS user account set up asap and you know your user’s name. The TAs will collect these during the first week’s labs. You will need them to log into the homework WebCAT server.