CS 2510 Spring 2012: Lab 13 - HashMap; Equals; JUnit

copyright 2012 Felleisen, Proulx, et. al.


We will look at how the GUI-s are designed, and add to the existing design. Optionally, you may also look at how to design randomized tests, and how to measure code quality by computing the code mterics.

You may use anything you learned in this lab to spiffy up your final project. However, keep in mind, that we are more concerned with good design than flashy trash code.

Lab instructions as pdf

Download the following file and unzip it.

A zip file for the lab Lab13.zip

Import into your Lab13 project the folder Lab13, then click the box to the left of Lab13. It should copy all Java sources into the defualt directory, and make a folder jptdraw with the file JPTCanvas.java within the jptdrawpackage.

The JPT libraries jpt.jar

We have used the following lab in out summer workshop for teachers shows you how to design randomized tests. Look at it if you have the time - you may use some of these techniques in testing your final project.

A zip file for the lab on randomized testingLab10.zip

The jar file you need for this: quickcheck-0.6.jar

We have used the following lab in out summer workshop for teachers shows you how to evaluate the quality of the code my measuring some of its metrics. Look at it if you have the time - you may use some of these techniques in checking if you final project design satisfies the industry expectations for good code.

If you are using lab machines, select Eclipse with Metrics to run your code - it has the Metriacs plugin installed.

A zip file for the lab on measuring code metrics Lab11.zip

Last modified: Tue Apr 3 13:33:59 EDT 2012