Lab 9     ©2011 Felleisen, Proulx, Chadwick, et. al.

Loops and Sorting


In the first part of the lab you will learn how to turn recursive loop-functions into imperative (mutating) loop using Java’s while and for statements.

In the second part we will look at using direct access of list elements to implement a different kind of sorting algorithm.

9.1  Setup

For this lab download the files in The folder contains the following files:

Create a new Project Lab9 and import the files from the zip. Import the tester.jar. Lookover the class definitions so you understand how they work. We are particularly interested in the implementations of the Traversal interface (i.e., IList classes and ALTrav).

9.2  Converting Recursive Loops into while Loops

The goal of this part of the lab is to implement traversals over data within an ArrayList using Java while and for loops. After completion make sure you understand the role of each part of the loop definition: BASE VALUE, CONTINUATION-PREDICATE, CURRENT, ADVANCE, UPDATE, and know how to construct both the while loop and the for loop.

We will be working with the Loop Handout from the main Lab page, but all the templates/discussions are also in the file (below the original implementations of contains and countSuch.

   public <T> ReturnType methodName(Traversal<T> tr){
      //                       +--------------------+
      // Invoke the methodAcc: | acc <-- BASE-VALUE |
      //                       +--------------------+
      return methodNameAcc(tr, BASE-VALUE);
   public <T> ReturnType methodNameAcc(Traversal<T> tr, ReturnType acc){
     ... tr.isEmpty()) ...             -- boolean      :: PREDICATE
     if true:
       ... acc ...                     -- ReturnType   :: BASE-VALUE
       ...| tr.getFirst() | ...        -- T            :: CURRENT-ELEMENT
      ... | update(T, ReturnType) |    -- ReturnType   :: UPDATE
      e.g.: update(tr.getFirst(), acc)
      ... | tr.getRest() | ...         -- Traversal<T> :: ADVANCE
      e.g.: methodNameAcc(tr.getRest(), update(tr.getFirst(), acc))

Based on this analysis, we can design a complete-template for solutions to many different (but similar) problems with the solution divided into three methods as follows:

   public <T> ReturnType methodName(Traversal<T> tr){
     //                        +--------------------+
     // Invoke the Acc method: | acc <-- BASE-VALUE |
     //                        +--------------------+
     return methodNameAcc(tr, BASE-VALUE);
   public <T> ReturnType methodNameAcc(Traversal<T> tr, ReturnType acc){
     if(| tr.isEmpty() |) 
       return acc;
                            +----advance---+ +---update-using-current---+
       return methodNameAcc(| tr.getRest() |,|update(tr.getFirst(), acc)|);
                            +--------------+ +--------------------------+
   <T> ReturnType update(T t, ReturnType acc){
      ... Update Accumulator ...

9.2.1  Understanding Different Loops

9.2.2  Converting while loops into for loops

Repeat the previous tasks with the two for loop variants: one that uses the for loop with a Traversal, and one that uses a counted for loop with an ArrayList.

A ForEach Abstraction

Take a look at the ultimate abstraction of these various accumulator-based traversals in the ForEach class.

Read the tests for for each variant of the compute method from the ForEach in Make sure you understand how the methods work, and how we’ve designed the OrSelectUpdater.

9.3  Selection Sort

Selection Sort is one of the more familiar sorting algorithms. It is well suited for the situations when we try to minimize the movment (i.e., copying) of data.

9.3.1  The Algorithm

Lets try to sort an ArrayList of size S. Assume that the first K elements in the list are sorted and are smaller than the rest of the elements (by a given ordering). If the first K elements are sorted (and smaller), then we have a partitioning of the list into two regions (sorted [0..K - 1], and unsorted [K..size()]).

We want to sort the unsorted (obviously) region of the ArrayList, and we know how to swap two items in the list. So, all we need to do is find the location of the "smallest"; (for our defined comparison) and swap it with the first unsorted item. The sorted region grows by one, the unsorted region shrinks by one, and all our assumptions still hold.

If we repeat this until the last item is swapped into its correct position, we will have finished sorting the remainder of the ArrayList.

9.3.2  The Idea

If it helps, think about how you might sort your favorite Basketball (or Cricket, if you prefer) team by height. You grab the shortest player, and move him (or her) all the way to the left of the group. Now (s)he is sorted right?

Then you select the shortest of the remaining players and move him (or her) to the front of the remaining group... right after the previously sorted player. Now they’re both sorted right?

Repeat the selection process until we run out of "unsorted" players.

9.3.3  A Small Example

We start in the middle:

         >---- sorted -----<  >------- unsorted ----------<
        |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 ||  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |
        | 13 | 16 | 17 | 20 || 27 | 31 | 22 | 25 | 28 | 29 | 
                                   minimum unsorted

Swap elements at locations 4 and 6:

         >-------- sorted ------<  >----- unsorted -------<
        |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 ||  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |
        | 13 | 16 | 17 | 20 | 22 || 31 | 27 | 25 | 28 | 29 | 
                                        minimum unsorted

Swap elements at locations 5 and 7:

         >--------- sorted ----------<  >---- unsorted ---<
        |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 ||  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |
        | 13 | 16 | 17 | 20 | 22 | 25 || 27 | 31 | 28 | 29 | 
                                   minimum unsorted

Swap elements at locations 6 and 6... or optimize by skipping:

         >----------- sorted -------------<  >- unsorted -<
        |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 ||  7 |  8 |  9 |
        | 13 | 16 | 17 | 20 | 22 | 25 | 27 || 31 | 28 | 29 | 
                                             minimum unsorted

What about the starting case when none of the ArrayList is sorted? Well, then the sorted part has size 0, and the unsorted part starts at the index 0, no big deal.

  1. In the Algorithms class design the helper method findMinLoc that finds the location of the smallest item in the unsorted part of the given ArrayList using a given Comparator.

    See java.util.Comparator documentation, and don’t forget to import it:

    Note: Think carefully through the first step of the design recipe, to make sure you know what the method consumes and what it produces.

  2. In the Algorithms class design the method selectionSort that implements the selection sort algorithm.

  3. Design two Comparators for the Balloons, the BalloonsBySize that compares the balloons by their radius, and BalloonsByHeight that compares them by their distance from the top of the scene (the y value).

  4. Test your sorting method and the helper method on lists of balloons using each of the two Comparators.

Last modified: Monday, March 14th, 2011 10:10:03pm