Lab 7 ©2011 Felleisen, Proulx, Chadwick, et. al.
The goal of this lab is to understand how we can design more general (generic) programs by defining/designing common behavior and structured data, such as that for lists, as parametrized datatypes.
Begin by downloading and building a project that contains all the files as well as the latest version of the Tester Jar, tester.jar.
Your project should have the following files:
Run the project and make sure all tests pass, then work through the following exercises.
The file contains tests for the method totalValue in the classes that represent lists of items of the type T.
If you un-comment the testValue method in the Examples class then the program breaks. Modify the Book, Song, and Image classes so that the method totalValue works correctly for the list classes with items of the type Book, Song, and Image, and all the tests pass.
Now design a method makeString for the list classes that produces readable String representations of the elements of type T in the list.
Design a method makeString for each of Book, Song, and Image that produces a String representing all (or some of) the data in this instance of the class. For example, you may construct a String that contains the book title and author’s name; the song’s title and artist; etc.
Define an interface MakeString<T> that represents a makeString method for objects of type T. As above, method implementations will produce a String representation of the entire object, or a part of it.
Design the method makeStrings for the list classes with items of type T that produces a list of Strings, which is the result of applying the makeString method to every item in the list.
Test your methods on the lists of books, songs, and images, in the manner similar to that shown in the previous examples.
We would like to generalize the method filter we have seen previously so that it works for arbitrary lists of items. The method produces a list of all items that satisfy some predicate. We modify the ISelect interface so it can be applied to any type of data:
// a method to decide whether this item // has the desired property interface ISelect<T>{ // does this data item have the desired property? public boolean select(T data); }
Design the method filter that produces a list of all items in the list (parametrized by the type T) that satisfy the given predicate (an instance of a class that implements the ISelect<T> interface). Test it by selecting all books that cost less than $25, all songs that play for more than 180 minutes, and all images with the "jpeg" file type.
The makeStrings method consumed this list of items of the type T and produced a list of items of the type String.
Think of the Racket function map. It consumes a list of X, a function of the type X -> Y, and produces a list of Y by applying the given function to every item in the list.
So, our makeStrings method is a map from lists of the type T (we used Songs, Books, and Images) to lists of items of the type String.
Design the interface ITransform<T, S> that represents a method transform that converts the given item of the type T to an item of the type S. The interface will be parametrized over two (possibly different) datatypes, T and S.
Design three classes that implement this interface as follows:
from the type Book to the type String e.g. the book title
from the type Image to the type Integer, e.g. the image size, or width, or height
from the type Song to the type Boolean, e.g. by the given artist, or short song...)
Notice that we use the types Integer and Boolean instead of the primitive types int and boolean. These upper-case types are so called wrapper classes (or boxed types) that allow us to use a primitive data type as if it were a regularly defined class.
Java automatically converts instances of these classes to and from their primitive values when required, so primitive values may be used where the wrapper type is required and vice versa. There is one exception: only the wrapper classes may be used as type parameters, i.e., you cannot have an instance of ILo<int>.
Design the method map for the classes that represent a list of items of the type T. The method header will be:
// Produce a list with items of type S from this // list of items of type T by applying the // given function to every item in this list public <S> ILo<S> map(ITransform<T, S> transform);
Until now, our purpose statements were sufficient for someone trying to understand how our program works and where to make changes, even if another person wants to improve the program we have written. However, if we design a program that represents a reusable datatype, such as lists or binary search trees parametrized over the type of data they contain, a client of our code may not be interested in the implementation details, only the fields, constructors, and methods that can be used, called, or overridden.
Most modern general-purpose programming languages come with a special (embedded) language for writing purpose statements that can then be translated into documentation. Typically documentation is generated as cross-referenced web pages, which allow a client programmer to understand and use a library without looking at actual code.
Go to the javalib web site:
Go to the Tester link on the left, then look at JavaDocs tab and open the documentation for the latest version of the tester library. The web site you see has the documentation for all public fields and methods in the library. Click on the Tester tab in the left pane and you will see a description of the Tester class.
Scroll through the descriptions of the methods until you find the documentation for checkInexact. Click on the method and you will see a detailed description of the method - its purpose, its parameters, and the return value it produces.
Now look at the method checkRange in the Method Summary section. You can see that there is a number of methods with this name: some that consume an argument of the type java.lang.Comparable<T> and some that consume an argument of the type java.util.Comparator<T>.
These are two interfaces defined in standard Java libraries. The first is a part of the Java language package (java.lang). The classes and interfaces defined there are automatically imported for every Java program. For example, the class String is specified in the documentation as java.lang.String; we have been using it all along without the need for specific import statements.
The interface java.util.Comparator<T> is a part of the java.util package in the Java Collections Framework: a library of classes and interfaces for dealing with collections of data.
Go to the JavaDoc web site for Java libraries at:
Scroll through the All Classes frame on the left till you find Comparable and Comparator. You can see in the description that there is a lot of detail in there, much more than we would expect from such a simple function object. We will address some of these issues in the lectures.
It looks like we could replace our interface ICompareBooks for binary search trees with the interface Comparator<T>. When you do you will need to add an import java.util.*; statement at the beginning of your program. Other than renaming all the previous uses (and the implemented method names) your program should work as before.
Note: Finish this lab and include your work in your portfolio for Assignment 7.