CS 2510 Spring 2011 : HW Handin Info

This semester we'll be turning in HWs using Subversion (SVN) setup on the CCIS Trac Server.

In order to access (and hence, turn in homeworks) you need to get a CCIS account/login. There are forms by WVH 310, and most of you already have accounts, so I won't waste time on that here.

Initial Check-out

We suggest that you organize your repository as your Eclipse Workspace directory, and have each project correspond to a Lab session or Assignment. If you are working on a Windows machine in the Lab (or at home) then we suggest you use Tortoise SVN as a client. It adds SVN commands to the Windows file explorer so adding, updating, and checking-in are as easy as right-clicking.

Pair Selection/Assignments

The list of initial HW pairs are located Here, and a table containing the class's CCIS ids is located Here, and the individual information also listed Here. We will provide updates throughout the semester as you change partners (forced or otherwise).

Check out as a Workspace

You can check out your HW pair's repository using the following URL (given via a command line tool or TortoiseSVN):

Where XXX is replaced by your Pair number. At any time, your repository is browsable by using that link in your favorite web browser.

You should check out your repository into a directory that will be used as your Eclipse Workspace. When Eclipse starts for the first time, point it to the checked out copy of your repository. As you create projects corresponding to assignments you should be sure to add them and checkin changes early and often.


We will grade a snapshot of your assignment directory at the submission deadline... so make sure everything is checked in on time!!

Your repository must contain a base-level directory for each assignment named Assignment-NN, where NN is the two digit assignment number. Incorrectly organized repositories may receive little (or no) credit... if you have questions contact your TA or instructor as early as possible.

By the end of the semster your repository should look something like:







Again, if you run into trouble or have questions see a member of the course staff ASAP


There are plenty of resources available on the inter-web, and Google is your ultimate guide, but here's a list of a few useful sites/documents.