Assignment 5 ©2011 Felleisen, Proulx, Chadwick, et. al.
Due: 2/15/2011 @ 10:00pm
Work out the following exercises from the textbook as complete programs. Make sure you read the surrounding text to get a guidance how to proceed with each.
Complete any problems that require drawing using the JavaWorld library and World.display, i.e., not the mentioned draw library/Canvas.
Problem 19.5 on page 271
Problems 19.6 - 19.11 on page 276-279
Save your solutions to the following problems in a file called, in your repository’s Assignment-05/src directory.
During the lectures we have designed methods for lists that select elements by different criteria (e.g., the author of a Book, or gpa of a Student).
Define the class Book and the classes/interface that represent a list of Books. A Book has a title, an author name, a year of publication, and a price.
Define the following interface for classes that compare books:
// Represent a method for comparing Books interface ICompareBooks{ // Does b1 come before b2 in this ordering? public boolean compare(Book b1, Book b2); }
Define three classes that implement this interface for ordering Books by: title length (class BookOrderByTitleLength), author names (class BookOrderByAuthor), and one more criterion of your choice.
Design the method sort for your list classes that produces this list in sorted order. Your method should accept an instance of ICompareBooks to define the appropriate ordering of the Books.
Design the method isSorted for the classes that represent
lists of Books that uses an instance of ICompareBooks to
determine whether this list of Books is sorted correctly. Make sure
your tests use all three ways of comparing books.
Note: Remember the one task one method rule. This is just a slight modification of the methods you have already designed.
Save your solutions to the following problems in a file called, in your repository’s Assignment-05/src directory.
You love binary-search-trees (BSTs) right? Here we’ll work with binary search trees that represent a collection of Books, which is an abstraction of your typical binary search trees that contain numbers.
Here’s a class diagram for our classes:
+---------------------+ | abstract class ABST |<-------+ +---------------------+ | +------| ICompareBooks order | | | +---------+-----------+ | | / | | +---+ | | | | | +--------+--------+ | | | | | | +------+ +------------+ | | | Leaf | | Node | | | +------+ +------------+ | | | Book data |---|--+ | | ABST left |---+ | | | ABST right |--/ | | +------------+ | | V V +---------------+ +-----------------------------------+ | Book | | ICompareBooks | +---------------+ +-----------------------------------+ | String title | | boolean compare(Book b1, Book b2) | | String author | +-----------------------------------+ | int price | +---------------+
Define the classes that represent a binary search tree of Books as shown above.
Design the method insert that inserts a given Book into this binary search tree using the ICompareBooks defined in this tree. Test your method with your classes that implement ICompareBooks from before.
Design the method getFirst that produces the first Book in the binary search tree (as given by the appropriate ICompareBooks). In the Leaf class this method should have the following body:
throw new RuntimeException("No first of a Leaf");
Hint: a helper method that determines if a tree is a Leaf (or not) will make this much easier.
Design the method getLast that produces the last Book in the binary search tree (as given by the appropriate ICompareBooks). As above, the Leaf implementation should have the following body:
throw new RuntimeException("No last of a Leaf");
Design the method getRest that produces a new binary search tree with the first Book removed. In the Leaf class this method should have the following body:
throw new RuntimeException("No rest of a Leaf");
Hint: Start with examples of different Nodes. We usually call this type of method "tree surgery"... can you guess why?
Design a method sortBST in your classes that represent lists of Books that sorts this list using a binary tree. Hint: think of how you can use insert to create an ordered tree, and getFirst and getRest to pull the elements out in order.
Design a method sameBook that determines if this Book is the same as the given Book.
Design a method sameTree that determines if this ABST is the same (in shape and in content) as the given ABST. For the sake of tree comparison, you can ignore the ICompareBooks when comparing ABSTs.
Hint: use the techniques we discussed in class to break this into seperate, less abstract problems, i.e., special helper methods.
Design a method sameData that determines if this ABST contains the same Books as the given ABST, though not necessarily in the same tree shape (i.e., insertion order).
Hint: remember those getFirst and getRest methods? Think structural recursion.
Notice that when we insert into an ABST starting with a Leaf we always get a tree with the correct ordering, but we can easily hand-construct a tree that does not maintain the correct ordering.
Every Leaf is correctly ordered, but a Node is only correctly ordered, assuming its left and right trees are correctly ordered, if (1) all the Books in the left and right trees belong before and after its data (respectively), and (2) the order comparison is the same as that of its left and right trees.
Design/modify the constructor of your Node class to confirm that the given data, left, and right have these properties.
Hint-1: remember those getFirst and getLast methods. See the lecture notes for what should happen when the condition is not met.
Hint-2: For the purposes of this exercise you can/should use equals to compare your ICompareBooks for equality (e.g., a.equals(b)), assuming you only ever use one instance of a particular implementation of ICompareBooks (e.g., you never create two BookOrderByAuthor instances to construct a tree).
Note that this version of equals will only work for two identical objects (i.e., the same exact instance). Later we will use the singleton pattern to enforce that only one instance of a particular class is created.