Detailed instructions for preparing for the final project presentation will be posted at: Presentations.html
Project presentations will take place during the lab times on Tuesday, April 20th and during the lecture times on Wednesday, April 21st, both in the lab 212 WVH.
Description of the project instructions and advice: pdf or html
Due Dates:
Finish code for your project and the two documents listed below by Monday evening, April 19th.
Bring the Design Document and the User Guide for your project to your project presentation.
Submit the final version of your project by Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at 10:00 pm.
The project assignment: pdf
Algorithm description and tutorial: pdf
Helper code:
A simple map of USA you may use: usa.gif
City data: capitals.txt
City data: caps.txt
The project assignment: pdf
The library file
The library file
An updated library file that shows the image you have built as a Canvas. To use it, you need to import the idraw.*, geometry.*, and colors.* libraries.
The library file
Mars image MG20S002
Mars image MG20S007
Mars image MG20S012
Mars image MG20S017
Mars image MG20S022
Mars image MG20S027
Updated project description adjusts the project requirements and instructions. Posted on April 15th at 8:55 am
Flowers image Flowers.png
The project assignment: pdf
A sample musical game:
Web site for the Sound Library
The MIDI Sound Set
The project assignment: pdf
A sample universe:
A sample universe player:
A sample world:
GoogleCode web site for the Java Universe
Universe Resources for DrScheme version that can be used to understand the design better:
A tutorial that describes how to use the DrScheme universe teachpack: Lab writeup
Lecture with the tutorial for the DrScheme universe teachpack.
Code for the universe for the DrScheme universe teachpack:
Code for one player for the DrScheme universe teachpack:
Code for another player for the DrScheme universe teachpack: