©2009 Felleisen, Proulx, et. al.
Finish the part 9.4 of Lab 9 that deals with stacks and queues.
Our goal is to train our computer to be a mock psychiatrist, carrying on a conversation with a patient. The patient (the user) asks a series of questions. The computer-psychiatrist replies to each question as follows. If the question starts with one of the following (key)words: Why, Who, How, Where, When, and What, the computer selects one of the three (or more) possible answers appropriate for that question. If the first word is none of these words the computer replies ’I do not know’ or something like that.
Start by designing the class Reply that holds a keyword for a question, and an ArrayList of answers to a the question that starts with this keyword.
Design the method randomAnswer for the class Reply that produces one of the possible answers each time it is invoked. Make sure it works fine even if you add new answers to your database later. Make at least three answers to each question.
Design the class Eliza that contains an ArrayList of Replys.
In the class Eliza design the helper method firstWord that consumes a String and produces the first word in the String.
The following code reads the next input line from the user. You will need to find out what was the first word in the patient’s question. Look up the documentation for the String class (and we gently hint that the methods trim, toLowerCase, and startsWith may be relevant).
System.out.println("Type in a question: "); s = input.nextLine();
Make sure your program works if the user uses all uppercase letters, all lower case letter, mixes them up, etc.
In the class Eliza design the method answerQuestion that consumes the question String and produces the (random) answer. If the first word of the question does not match any of the replies, produce an answer Don’t ask me that. — or something similar. If no first word exists, i.e., the user either did not type any letters, or just hit the return, throw an EndOfSessionException.
Of course, you need to define the class EndOfSessionException.
In the Interactions class design the method that
repeats asking questions and providing answers until it catches the
EndOfSessionException — at which time it ends the game.
Binary Search allows you to find quickly a piece of data in a sorted collection of data that can be accessed directly at a specific location. You check the item in the middle, if that is not the one you were looking for, you continue the search either in the upper half, or in the lower half — and recur till there you either succeed, or have nowhere else to look.
In the Algorithms class design the method binarySearch that consumes an ArrayList<T> that contains data sorted by using the given instance of a class that implements the Comparator<T> interface. The method also consumes another item of the type <T>, the item we are searching for.
The method produces the index in the ArrayList<T> where the given item has been found. If the item does not appear in the list, the method throws an ItemNotFoundException.
Of course, you need to define the class ItemNotFoundException.
Of course, you need to test your methods. Make a simple class of data, such as a Book or Balloon we have used in the past — or come up with something different — and define two different Comparators for this class. Then make examples of lists of these data items and make sure your tests use both of the Comparators.
Organize your tests so that the reader can readily see what is the purpose of each test and what data is used in computing the result and in providing the expected value.
Your task for this week is to design the classes that represent the objects in your game as well as the whole game world.
You should also design all draw methods for these objects and verify that they display the various scenes in the game correctly.
We give you a sample of the code that shows side-by-side the applicative version of the world (our style till now when we produce a new instance of the world in response to either a key event or a tick), as well as the imperative version (where the sate of the world mutates in response to the key events and ticks).
The samples also show how to run visual tests of the drawings (and provide simple helper methods you can use to display the new Canvas for each scene you wish to show.
Finally, the samples show how to set up the test scenarios for the imperative games — this will be relevant next week when you add functionality to your game.