| Important Messages from the Instructors
Thursday, February 5th, 2009
Saturday, January 31st, 2009
On Wednesday, February 4th at 11:45 am in 108 WVH the ACM Speaker's Series presents
Professor Matthias Felleisen
On programming in CS curriculum
All 213 students should attend this talk --- it helps you understand what are the key concepts a programmer should master.
-Viera Proulx
Saturday, January 31st, 2009
Exam 1 will be held in 10 BK
On Wednesday, February 11th, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
The exam is open book, open notes, any paper resources, but no electronics.
The exam covers material covered in the classes and labs through January 31st. That means, you have seen all the material not only in lectures, but also in the lab or on the homework assignment.
-Viera Proulx
Thursday, January 15th, 2009
Assignments 2 is now posted.
We are asking you to do some drawings using the draw teachpack.
Consult the class wiki for more information - or ask questions.
-Viera Proulx
Monday, January 12th, 2009
Assignment 1 --- coordinates correction
The western-most point in the 48 lower states is near 120 degrees longitute. As the result, the left edge of your Canvas should be at 120 degrees .
Please, make this change so you can see California, Oregon, and Washington states.
-Viera Proulx
Tuesday, January 6th, 2009
Important update about the textbook
I talked again to the NU Reprographics. It turns out the the $40 they charge for the text covers just the cost of copying with a small overhead. At 6 cents per page with 685 pages it comes to over $40 - which is the price they charge. Last fall someone made a hug mistake selling the copies for the cheap price - not even covering the cost of the paper.
Sorry for the confusion, please get the text.
-Viera Proulx
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008
Welcome to CSU213 - the Spring 2009 edition. This course is about designing classes and programs.
-Viera Proulx