CS U213 News -- Spring 2007

The latest news and announcements for all students.

Lab Schedule for Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Exam 2 Guide:

Exam 2 Guide to Success

Exam Review

will be held on Thursday, April 5, 2007 from 3 to 4 pm in room 50 Dodge. Bring your questions.

Sample Exam 2 for review

Assignment 10:

The due date is Tuesday, April 3rd at 10:55 pm.

This gives you the chance to ask last minute questions in the lab.

Assignment 10:

A code that allows you to read in a file of cities from a file, from the console, or from a GUI has been posted for this assignment. It also allows you to save the data to a file.

You are not required to use this code.

Assignment 9: Eliza and Selection Sort

In response to comments about difficulty dealing with loops before there has been enough time to discuss them in lectures and labs the second part of the assignment (Eliza and Selection Sort) are postponed until next week.

Only Part 1 of Assignment 9 is due on Tuesday, March 27. It remains posted, so those who wish can start working on it.

Assignment 8: Painting the balloons and cities

Add the Interactions.java class to your program to paint the balloons and cities. Use the main in the Interactions class as the start of your project. An example shows you how to paint two balloons. Add any method that consumes no arguments and produces void to the Interactions class and you will get a button with the method name in the GUI when you run your program.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes for this past week - through March 15th are now posted.

Office hours this week

Erin's office hours this week have been changed as follows:

Sunday, March 11 no office hours

Monday, March 12 6:00 - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, March 13 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Assignment 7 --- Notes

This assignment is the first time you encounter mutation. The design of the solution is quite straightforward, just make sure every method is defined in the class that represents the object that is the main focus of the method.

The hardest part of this assignment is the design of tests. The grading will reflect that. Make sure you leave enough time for this part of the work. Make sure that for every test it is clear what is the state before the test and what do you check after the method has been invoked. Include tests that throw exceptions - just comment out the code that was used to run these tests.


when you log in the server, you should be able to see a directory called "totals", which contains a file with the grades of all your HWs and quizzes. Check it out and make sure everything is correct. "ns" means not submitted, "ng" means not graded.

standalone handin client

I was told that there are problems when you try to install the standalone handin client in the lab-machines. So, if some time you want to submit during the lab, launch DrScheme and do it there. Hopefully there are no problems when you want to install the standalone client at your home machines. --Dimitris

Portfolio reviews

The portfolio reviews will be done tomorrow (February 27th) during the lab in the lab. I will meet with each of youbriefly to go over the portfolio, and schedule additional time to meet, if necessary. I may not get to all people in the larger labs -- those that I will not be able to talk to will sign up for a time slot for Wednesday or Thursday.

Bring with you a hardcopy of the etudes, a copy of your graded exam, and the partnership notebook. We can view the homeworks online.


HW submissions in eclipse

Now that you work in eclipse, you ll have several files for each hw. The server allows you to submit multiple files, that is what you have done so far. Unfortunately, it does not allow you to submit files that reside in more than one directory. So, make sure that you use a single Project for each hw, and not a project for every different problem. Also, note that you don't have to launch DrScheme just to submit your hw. You can have the client operate independently. Go to the file menu and choose "manage CSU213 handin account". Then go to the Un/Install tab and create the standalone executable.

Exam 1 - Solutions and the Grading Rubric

The exam solution and the grading rubric can be found here. The graders were:

Portfolio Review

Please, read the explanation of what we expect in a portfolio on the course General page. You do not have to include paper copies of your graded homework, as that is accessible from the homework server.

The portfolio review will involve ten minute individual appointments during next week. On Thursday I will post the available slots and you will then need to sign up. We will also make an announcement about this in the lecture on Thursday.

I have placed all of the assignment grading rubrics Here for everyone to look at...

-- Bryan.

To see how the world library works, look at the complete solution to the pong game example from Lab 4.

Graded homeworks 0, 1 and 2 are now available for viewing on the homework server. Let me know if your grade looks mysterious, there may be small errors in the manual editing we do when we grade. Sorry for taking so long to upload them. --Dimitris

Review session for the exam will be on Friday, February 9th from 3:30 till 4:30 in the room 335 SH confirmed. Bring your questions.

Last fall's exam 1 with solutions.

In the BST problem assume all values in the BST are positive integers. Return 0 as the smallest value of a leaf.

Explanation of the samizdat problem from Assignment 3.

  5                   3
  |                   |
  Dan-->Al-->Rick     Hal-->Jack
  0     0    2        0     1
             |              |
             Joe-->Dave     Josh
             0     0        0

Jon can print three books.
He sends two of them to Paul and Pete, keeps one.
Paul makes five new copies.
He sends three of them to Dan, Al, and Rick; keeps the rest.
Pete makes three copies of the book.
He sends two copies to Hal and Jack and keeps one.
Dan, Al, and Hal, as well as Joe, Dave, and Josh cannot make any copies.
Rick makes two copies and send them to Joe and Dave.
Jack makes one copy and sends it to Josh.

Exam 1

Is scheduled for February 12 in room 108 SN from 6:00 pm till 9:00 pm.

You are allowed to bring the text, class notes, your programs, and any paper material. You are not allowed to bring any electronic equipment to the exam.

Lecture Notes

All lecture notes can now be found here.

The server is now open for hw02 submissions. Those who did not submit hw01 will not be allowed to submit the 2nd hw. To fix that, log in the server, create an account, and then send an email to dimvar@ccs.neu.edu with your names and handin-id's so that I can add you to list of allowed pairs.


Last modified: Wed Apr 4 15:42:29 EDT 2007