Assignment 9

Mutating ArrayList; Implementing loops.

Portfolio Problems: Complete Parts 2 and 3 from Lab 9, but this time plan to hand it in with your homework.

Part 2: Eliza pdf html

The comments for the Eliza progam should follow the Javadoc style. Make sure the documentation is generated correctly.

Part 3: Selection Sort for ArrayList pdf html

Test your sorting algorithm on a list of City objects, sorting by the state, zip code, or by the latitude. A list of 50 capitals of the lower continental USA can be found here. Each city information is followed by a list of adjacent states. You do not need this information now, but it will be needed for the final project.

If you find errors in this file, please, let me know.

Due Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2007 at 10:30 pm.