©2007 Felleisen, Proulx, et. al.
Methods for a grocery store
Work out the problem 14.7 in the textbook.
Sorting the runner’s log
Work out the problem 15.4 (page 156) in the textbook.
Methods for FEDEX shipping
The shipping company from the previous assignment keeps a list of all packages ready to be shipped. Design the data definition for a list of packages and then design the methods to solve the following problems:
Find out if the total weight of all packages exceeds the
truck weight limit. (Method name withinWeight
Produce a list of all packages going to a given
customer. (Method name packagesFor
Produce a list of URLs for all customers for the packages in
today’s shipment. Every customer’s URL should be in the list only
once. (Method name customerList
Sort the packages by their weight. (Method name
Methods for a Soccer Team Phone Tree
Design the following methods for the soccer team phone tree classes:
Count the number of players a coach has on a team. (Method
name countPlayers
Produce the name of the player with the given phone number. If
the phone number does not appear in the phone tree, produce an
empty String
. (Method name whosePhone
Does one player (the caller) call another player
(the callee) directly? (Method name isCallee
Note: If the caller is not in the phone tree, the answer is
Binary Search Trees
Here is an HtDP data definition:
;; A Binary Search Tree (BST) is one of ;; --- empty ;; --- Node ;; A Node is (make-node Number BST BST) (define-struct node (value left right)) ;; we expect the value to be a whole number
The BST (the binary search tree) has the property that all values in the left sub-tree are smaller than the value of the node, and all values of the right subtree are larger than the value of the node. (We will not allow the same number to be a value of more than one node in the tree.)
Define the Java class hierarchy that represents a BST.
Design the method that counts the number of Node
s in
. (Method name count
Design the method that adds the values of all nodes in the BST.
(Method name totalValue
Design the method that determines whether a given number is one
of the node values in the BST. (Method name contains
Design the method that inserts a new node with the given value
into the right place in the BST. If there already exists a node with
the given value, the method produces the BST that looks the same as
the original one. (Method name insert
Design the method that produces the smallest number recorded in
the BST. (Method name first
Design the method that removes the node with the smallest value
from the BST. The method produces a new BST. (Method name