Review HtDP: data definitions and class diagrams to represent classes; containment.
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Due Date: Friday, September 15, 2006 at 11:30 am (see below).
HW Submission Instructions:
If the hw consists of more that one programs, each program should be in a different file, in order for us to be able to compile and run it easily. If a program that you submit doesn't compile you 'll receive no points for that program. Make sure everything you submit compiles successfully.
The deadline for hws is on Friday before the lab. Bundle all your problems into one (zip or tgz file*). Email your hw to your TA and your grader by that time. You 'll receive an email confirmation. If you don't receive a confirmation by noon on Friday, email your hw again and CC Professor Proulx.
Each pair submits one hw (one zip or tgz file for the whole submission).
FOR THE FIRST HW ONLY: The deadline for the hw is at 1:00 pm after the lab. You should email your homework to the TA only (not the grader) before the lab**. If you encounter problems, or feel that you are not sure what to do, ask the staff during the lab.
Any changes to these rules will be posted with the appropriate assignment and on the newsgroup.
* If you do not know how to zip your files, ask in the lab.
** You will be assigned a grader during the next week.