CS U101 Fl '08
Office Hours

General Information


Viera K. Proulx

Teaching Assistants: Fangfei Zhou


Course lecture/lab times and location:
MoWe 2:50 - 4:30 pmin room 210 WVH
You must attend lectures/labs on a regular basis.

Typically the lectures will be integrated with working on the labs, so the classes labeled as labs may include a short lecture on a new material, and the classes labeled as lectures may include a time for working on the lab material.

Information relevant to all sections of this course is posted on the common course web page.

Computing Environment: You will do your assignments using Microsoft Excell 2007 application, Microsoft Access 2007 application and the statistical package SPSS. All of these are available on the university computers. Additionally, you can download your own version of the Microsoft applications as a part of the University-wide license.

For some assignments the initial spreadsheet, or the initial database will be given --- your task will be to increase its functionality.

Assignments: There are nine lab assignments distributed approximately one per week.

The first lab assignment is to get familiar with the Blackboard application that is the depository for all class materials and the common communications.

There are four Excel lab assignments, three Access lab assignments and one statistics written lab.

The due dates are posted. See the common course page for policy on late assignments.

Getting Credit for Assignments: Make sure you read carefully the ethics statement, to make sure you do not loose credit for an assignment you have worked on.

Quizzes: There will be two quizzes during the term: one on Excel and one on Access. The dates are shown in the course schedule. There is no make-up for a missed quiz.

Exams: There will be three exams during the term: one on Excel, one on Access, and one on basic descriptive statistics. The dates are shown in the course schedule. You can make up the worst of your exams by taking a make-up during the last class of the semester on December 10, 2008. There is no scheduled final exam for this section.

The exams will test material similar to that assigned in the lab homeworks. You will take the exams by yourself. Collaboration is not tolerated.

Grades: You will get a grade for your lab homework and a grade for your quizzes and exams. Both must be passing grades; otherwise you cannot pass the course. For the final grade, we will assign a weight of 30% to the lab homework grade, a weight of 20% to the two quizzes, a weight of 50% to the three exams. The class participation can influence the grade in both positive and negative way.

last updated on Tue Sep 30 12:17:36 EDT 2008generated with PLT Scheme