Algorithms and Data Structures for Engineering, FALL 2012
- Some grades are still being updated (labs, HWs). The latest grade is the one on course website; if you see a different grade posted on the NEU registrar, we might have to do a change-of-grade
- Final office hours, only grading issues: Monday 12/17; 10am-noon
- Quiz3 grading done, posted. QUIZ3 MAX POINTS per problem shown below:
| EC
50 | 30
- Office hours (Pavlu): Monday 12/10 9am-11am WVH room 472
- Grades updated. Please check your grades.
- HW6: an example test code in main() function is posted on notes (other code might be used for grading)
- Grades updated as of 12/3 to include everything thats graded (HW5 graded for some students).
- HW6 due Dec 5
- Last Week (of Dec 3). Please submit missing HWs by
December 5; after that date, we will not have time to grade them. Labs:
make sure you demo working code to one of the TAs during last week
- classes Mon, Wed. Wed 12/5 is the last lecture
- Lab Sessions Mon, Wed, Thu as usual. Probably not having a
Sunday morning 12/9 lab session, but will decide depending on how many
students need help.
- Office Hours: Jose Annunziato Mon 12/3 in the morning; Thu 12/6 2pm
- Office Hours: Virgil Pavlu: Mon 12/3 in the afternoon (no office hours on Wed 12/5). Also office hours Monday 12/10.
- QUIZ3: Tuesday 12/11 1PM-3PM on paper. No collaborations, notes, or electronic devices allowed. The
Quiz3 questions will focus on lists, trees, stacks and queues, and
class/object mechanisms, but my include indirectly earlier material
- section 1(Pavlu) - Richards Hall room 458
- Section 2 (Annunziato) - Hurtig Hall room 224
- Please complete TRACE evaluations. You can also give us direct feedback. We appreciate in particular thoughts on TAs performance ; any opinion about TAs should be written in an email to Virgil Pavlu [vip@ccs.neu.edu] and will be kept confidential.
- Quiz2 grades updated, including the late papers. We also
recomputed the grade estimate as of 11/20, to include Labs1-8, HW1-3,
Quizzes 1-2.
- Quiz2 grading done, adjusted, posted. At least 2 students
didnt write their name on the paper, so some grades are not recorded;
please check your papers during lab hours. QUIZ2 MAX POINTS per
problem shown below:
50 |
- Remaining materials posted:
- 3 Lectures: Intro to Classes ; Stacks and Queues; Advanced Classes
- HW6 due 11/3
- LAB9 Extra Credit (start this only after you finish LAB8 and HW5)
- LAB10 on Stacks and Queues - for the week of 11/26
- Happy ThanksGiving! Here is the schedule for next week of 11/19:
- Lecture Monday 11/19 only. No lectures Wed and Thu
- Office Hours: Monday morning (Annunziato), Monday afternoon (Pavlu). No office hours Wed and Thu
- Labs/TA time: Monday regular time, and Sunday morning (additional time). No labs Wed, Thu. Students are expected to work on Labs 8-9 and HW5, but you can request help on anything else.
- Grade weighting: QUIZZEs 50% : HWs 30% : LABs 20%
- There will be a make up session towards the end of the term, most
likely on Dec 13. This is for people who totally missed one quiz;
maximum "make-up" will about half of the quiz points. Tentatively, it
will be an oral examination where the students will have to
answer 2-3 questions in front of the board.
- QUIZ3 CANCELED. About half of quiz3 material/questions will make it to the next quiz on 12/11, which will be about 2 hours long.

Please accept my sincere
apology for not making quiz3 happening. Everything was prepared and
printed, but various factors, including my faulty schedule, decisively
contributed to me arriving late to school on that date. I am particularly sorry for waking you up early for no reason, but not sorry for making you study linked lists.
This apology extends of course to Section 2 students, who also did not take the quiz for the same reasons (reasons which do not involve prof Annunziato or the TAs)
--virgil pavlu
- QUIZ3: Thursday 11/15 in class, on paper. No collaborations, notes, or electronic devices allowed.
- basic operations: variables and types, statements, operators,
conditions, loops, function calls, arrays. The Quiz3 questions will not be
specific about one of these, but you might need them as tools to answer
the questions.
- pointers
- structs
- linked lists
- trees
- HW5 due Monday 11/19
- Week of Nov 5: This week only, some office hours (Pavlu) will not
happen as scheduled Wed@6pm. You can make an appointment Mon 11/5 or
Tue 11/6, or meet prof Annunziato instead.
- Optional LAB Thu 11/1 starts at 7:45 PM - that is, 1h:45min later than usual. The Lab Session will proceed as usual, starting at 6PM.
- HW4 due Monday 11/5
- Monday 10/29 - University closed because of the storm. NO CLASS, NO LAB.
- Everyone gets a free morning (aka no waking up at 8AM ) on
the week of Nov 5-9, because one instructor has to participate to a
conference. But it it is not the same free morning for everyone:
- Section 1 (Pavlu) has no lecture Wed 11/7
- Section 2 (Annunziato) has no lecture on Thu 11/8
- Everything else (Labs, HWs, deadlines) that week are not affected, so they happen as usual
- Materials for Week 9 and Week 10 posted.
- Did you miss QUIZ2? If yes, you can take it next week, but not later than that (a slightly different version) :
- Wednesday 10/31 at 6pm in room 210 during office hours (Virgil Pavlu)
- Thursday 11/1 @4pm (Jose Annunziato)
- QUIZ2: Thursday 10/25 in class, on paper. No collaborations, notes, or electronic devices allowed. Recap the material for quiz2:
- basic operations: variables and types, statements, operators,
conditions, loops, function calls. The Quiz2 questions will not be
specific about one of these, but you might need them as tools to answer
the questions.
- arrays
- searching and sorting
- pointers
- type casting and memory manipulations
- Quiz1 grades adjusted, posted : you get to see both your raw
grade and the adjusted one. If you dont have a grade on Q1 column, its
likely that we are still grading your paper; will update this post when
all grades are in - then if you still dont have a grade, you should
discuss with an instructor. Papers: you can review them and ask grading
questions during office hours and additional labs (Wed, Thu, Sun) but
you cant take your paper home; grading mistakes (if any) will be
promptly corrected. QUIZ1 MAX POINTS per problem shown below:
- Materials for the next two weeks (Oct15, Oct22) posted
- When submitting labs/homeworks by email, please name the file LAB/HW#_firstname_lastname.cpp or the TAs may not grade it.
- Online grades now functional, but the grade sheet is not up to date (yet) for all students.
- Please tell us how we are doing. You can print, complete, and return this form to TAs or Instructors at any time.
- Materials for week 5 posted.
- Did you miss QUIZ1? If yes, you can take it (a different version) :
- Wednesday 10/3 at 6pm in room 210 during office hours (Virgil Pavlu)
- Monday10/1 after class or Thursday 10/4@4pm (Jose Annunziato)
- QUIZ1: Thursday 9/27 in class, on paper. No collaborations, notes, or electronic devices allowed.
- Checkout the CS1500 Forum.
The forum is world readable (and might be erased at the end
of the term). To post to a thread you have to accept the email
invitation sent to you. Every email to cs1500hw@gmail.com with subject marked [group] starts a new thread. When sending messages please do one of the following:
- mark subject [group] if the issue is about Labs, HWs, or
Lectures so that other students can join the conversation. Likely
others have the same question.
- mark subject [private] for a personal inquiries such as why you lost points on a HW, or setting up appointments
- Week 3 and 4 materials posted, including LAB2, LAB3 and HW2
- New (additional) Lab hours posted
- Please submit all LABs and HWs to cs1500hw@gmail.com (and no other address). Questions about lectures, material or personal issues should be addressed to your instructor.
- LAB0 and LAB1 posted, these are the labs for the first 2 weeks.
- HW1 posted, due Sep 20 (email code file and the pseudocode to the TA).
- Make sure to look at the class policies and at the (tentative) syllabus.
- Please submit your student information by email to cs1500hw@gmail.com
- About "lab session" grades on NEU registrar: In this class,
you only get one grade (the overall grade). However for administrative
reasons, the registrar has the lab section as a different course, and I
am required to simply duplicate your grade for the lab sessions,
independent of your lab points in the course.
- Welcome to CS1500! Bookmark this page.