Vincent St-Amour
By popular demand, Racket stickers are available here.
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1 Research [Scribble bibliography]
Defense slides available here.
To be presented at ECOOP 2015.
Accepted artifact available here (description).
To be presented at PLDI 2015.
Presented at OOPSLA 2012. Slides available here.
Presented at FHPC 2012.
Presented at PLDI 2011.
Presented at the 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. Slides available here.
2 Teaching
I’m not teaching at the moment.
In the past, I’ve taught How to Design Programs with Jesse Tov and Olin Shivers. I’ve also taught Object-Oriented Design with Will Clinger and Compilers with Olin Shivers.
3 Lab
If you’re in the Boston area and are interested in programming languages, check out the PL and PL Jr. seminars.
4 Code
Most of my code is either on Github, in the Racket codebase or on the Racket package catalog.
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