COM 1101, Algorithms and Data Structures I
Instructor: Sergey Bratus
Office: 19 CN, x5119
Teaching Assistant: Mani Sundaram
Office: 15 CN, x3824
Course Page:
Class meets: Tue, Wed, Fri 11:45 a.m.-1:20 p.m., 101 CH
We are going to cover:
Fundamentals of C, C++:
- Pointers
- Dynamic memory allocation
- References
- Function overloading
- Mechanism of a function call and argument passing
- Argument passing by value and by reference
- Stack Frames (Activation Records) and the Function Call Stack
- Recursion: how it works
Data Structures:
- Vector (Dynamic array)
- string class
- Linked List
- Stack
- (Extra Credit) Hash Table, Binary Search Tree, Trie
- Quadratic sorts: BubbleSort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort
- QuickSort
- Binary Search
C++ Classes and Object Model:
- class, struct, data members and methods
- Constructor, Destructor, Copy Constructor and Assignment (operator=)
- How objects are passed to functions as arguments, copied and assigned
- Temporary objects
- Dynamic allocation (and subsequent destruction) of objects
Labs: 20%, Project: 20%, Midterm and Quizzes: 30%,
Final: 30%