Instructor: Rajmohan Rajaraman
Work: 617-373-2075
College of Computer
Email: rraj AT ccs DOT neu DOT edu
Fax: 617-373-5121
Class meeting times/location: W 6:00-9:00 PM, 108 WVH
Office Hours: M 5:00-6:00 PM, Th 4:15-5:15 PM
Teaching Assistant: Xin Liu (liux AT ccs), WVH 208,
Office hours: 11:00am~1:00pm
Academic Honesty and Integrity
Course Calendar (will include all handouts)
This course covers both the theory and practice of wireless networking. We will begin by studying the fundamentals of wireless communications (roughly a third of the course). We will then study widely-used wireless local area network standards and TCP/IP extensions for mobile and wireless networking (another third). The final third of the course will be devoted to the active research areas of multihop ad hoc networks and sensor networks. Topics covered will include
W. Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2005
This textbook will be closely followed for almost the two third of the course. The material on multihop and sensor networks will be taken from surveys, research papers, and other collections, for which references will be provided later.