Official summary (sightly modified):
Presents a comparative approach to object-oriented
programming and design, with an emphasis on techniques for programming
large-scale systems. Discusses the concepts of object, class,
meta-class, message, method, inheritance, and genericity. Reviews
forms of polymorphism in object-oriented languages. Contrasts the use
of inheritance and composition as dual techniques for software reuse:
forwarding versus delegation and sub-classing versus
sub-typing. Studies main programming language tools and techniques to
facilitate the creation of applications: modularity, encapsulation,
code reuse techniques, design patterns. Basic concepts in
object-oriented design are illustrated by writing programs in one or
more object-oriented languages.
Mon, 25 Apr 2011: Here is the final exam information I have. Let me know if it does not
match yours. See you tomorrow morning.
Final Exam 8:00am - 10:00am Ryder Hall 433 Apr 26, 2011
Tue, 19 Apr 2011: Homework 5 has been graded. Grades are up on Blackboard, and the
actual homework can be recovered from the envelope on the door of
my office. They're in alphabetical order. Try not too mess that
up too too much please. (I've also tossed in previous unclaimed
homeworks as well. If you have more than one homework to
pickup, I've stapled them all together.)
Tue, 19 Apr 2011: Here is the review sheet that I read this morning in class
summarizing the
topics we have covered in class, to help you review for the
You are responsible for everything done in class or written
in the notes for all lectures.
The final will be very much like the midterm, with some theory
questions and some coding questions.
The final is closed books, but you can bring a two-sided 8.5x11in
cheat sheet.
Mon, 18 Apr 2011: Because of Patriots' Day (or the marathon, take your pick), no office
hours this afternoon. I will hold replacement office hours
tomorrow (Tuesday) after class, so 13h30-15h30. Moreover, I will
be available the rest of the week by appointment, so if you need
to see me, drop me an email, and we'll figure out a meeting time.
Tue, 12 Apr 2011: Lecture notes for this morning's lecture on
model-view-controller design pattern
are up, along with sample code.
Sun, 10 Apr 2011: Homework
6 is out. I will accept submissions for this homework until
Wednesday, April 27th, the day after the exam.
Source code for the homework is in the Homeworks
section of the web site, as usual. Look at it, and familiarize
yourself with the code. There's a lot in there for you to look
As I said in class, for this homework, you may work in
pairs. You do not have to, but I strongly recommend it.
Fri, 08 Apr 2011: Lecture notes for this morning's lecture on
publisher-subscriber design pattern
are up, along with sample code.
And I don't know what I was thinking this morning when I couldn't get
substitution to work. Turns out I was using the wrong syntax for
writing substitutions. Read the lecture notes, you'll see what I
mean. The code works. Try it.
Tue, 05 Apr 2011: Lecture notes for this morning's lecture on
and iterators
are up, along with sample code.
Mon, 04 Apr 2011: Lecture notes for Tuesday's lecture on
mutation and copying
and Friday's lecture on
are up.
Sat, 26 Mar 2011: Lecture notes for Friday's lecture on
mutation are up. Sample code is also available from the
web page.
Sat, 26 Mar 2011: Homework
5 is out. Due Wednesday, April 6 at 22h00, as usual. Helper
files for the homework can be found on
the homeworks
section of the website. Lecture notes for Friday's lecture should be
out sometimes tonight.
Thu, 24 Mar 2011: Lecture notes for Tuesday's lecture
on multiple
inheritance are up. Sample code is also available from the
web page. You may also want to read Chapter 12 from
Programming in Scala for more details about traits, including
Sun, 20 Mar 2011: Okay, this took a while, but here are the lecture notes for Friday's
lecture on
from delegation
are up, and code is available from the website.
Tue, 15 Mar 2011: Lecture notes for this morning's lecture on
and delegation
are up, and code is available from the website.
Sun, 13 Mar 2011: Homework
4 is out. Due Wednesday, March 23, at 22h00 as usual. Helper
files for the homework can be found on
the homeworks
section of the website.
Sat, 12 Mar 2011: I finished grading the midterm last night, and the grades are up on
Blackboard. Average of 38.32 (maybe one mark lower than I
expected), and standard dev of 5.92 (much better than
expected). Overall, no big surprises. We'll talk about
it on Tuesday. Homework 4 coming up by the end of day today.
Thu, 10 Mar 2011: Lecture notes for Tuesday's lecture on
streams are up.
Wed, 09 Mar 2011: Oops. I forgot to setup the
system for homework 3 this week. It's better now. (I didn't
expect people to try submitting after I gave the extension, and
then it completely flew out of my head.) As I said in class, I'm
happy to accept submissions for homework 3 until Friday night (as
usual, 22h00).
Tue, 08 Mar 2011: Here is an updated version of the sheet I read this morning in class
summarizing the
topics we have covered in class, to help you review for the
midterm. You are responsible for everything done in class or written
in the notes for all lectures up to and include this morning's.
Remember that the midterm will be about half theory questions, and
half coding questions. The exam is closed books, but you can
bring a one-sided 8.5x11in cheat sheet.
Mon, 28 Feb 2011: I will be around for Spring Break (but our TA Jake will not be). If
you want to meet, please drop me a quick email and we can sync
up. Otherwise, see you all next week.
Sat, 26 Feb 2011: My reference implementations for OString, Room,
and Atlas have been posted as helper files for homework
3 on
the Homeworks
section of the course web site.
Fri, 25 Feb 2011: Lecture notes for this morning's lecture on
classes are up.
Tue, 22 Feb 2011: Lecture notes for last Friday
on implementing
subtyping in Scala and for this morning
on multiple
subtyping are up. Code is available from the web page.
Sun, 20 Feb 2011: Homework
3 is out. Due Tuesday, March 8. You can use the
old AtlasTester for Question 3.
Tue, 15 Feb 2011: Lecture notes
on subtyping
and static information loss are up.
Mon, 14 Feb 2011: Testers for homework 2 are available. See
the Homeworks
section of the web site. Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!
Sat, 12 Feb 2011: Lecture notes
on static
and dynamic types and
on understanding
are up. I've also uploaded the code from the lecture on hiding.
Thu, 10 Feb 2011: Lecture notes on hiding (last Friday and first half of this Tuesday)
are up.
Sun, 06 Feb 2011: Homework
2 is out. Due Feb 16. Testers coming early next week.
Tue, 01 Feb 2011: Lecture notes for this morning's lecture
on subtyping
are up, as is the code.
Mon, 31 Jan 2011: The tester for ADT Direction is
now available. It
tests the equations in the specification against your
implementation of the ADT. To use: (1) Download the file and put
it in the same directory/folder as your implementation. (2)
Compile it along with your implementation (e.g., scalac
Direction.scala DirectionTester.scala, or scalac
*.scala if that's the only source files you have in the
directory). (3) Execute the tester: scala
DirectionTester -- because if you look at the tester, it has
a main() function that makes it an executable
Here is a sample output on my system (a Mac OS X machine):
[hw1] l
Direction.scala DirectionTester.scala
[hw1] scalac *.scala
[hw1] l
Direction$.class Direction.scala DirectionTester.class
Direction.class DirectionTester$.class DirectionTester.scala
[hw1] scala DirectionTester
All tests succeeded
Mon, 31 Jan 2011: The tester for the Direction ADT will be coming out sometimes
tonight. Still hacking out some of the kinks.
Sun, 30 Jan 2011: Couple of things you should know. First, the submission system is
still getting some kinks worked out of it, but I expect to have
it up by tomorrow morning. Second, I've updated the TA
information on the web page (Jake Rozin, in case you missed
Friday's lecture) complete with office hours and email
address. Third... there was a third thing. Hold on. Oh yes, about
homework 1, question 1. I was a bit ambiguous about the intended
interpretation for the isPrefix() operation. It should really
L.isPrefix(M) should return true if M is a prefix of L
(that is, a list equal to L can be obtained by adding zero or
more elements at the end of M) and false otherwise.
Thus, in particular, a list is a prefix of itself.
Fri, 28 Jan 2011: Lecture notes from this morning's
on errors
are up.
Thu, 27 Jan 2011: Lecture notes from last Tuesday
on Scala
specifics is up.
Thu, 27 Jan 2011: Here are
some installation
instructions for scala for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Let
me know if something's wonky.
Wed, 26 Jan 2011: Homework
1 is out. Because it's out a day later than predicted, it will
be due a day later than predicted, so Wednesday, Feb 2.
Wed, 26 Jan 2011: Lecture notes for the second week have been posted on the
course web
Sat, 22 Jan 2011: I will hold office hours this semester on Mondays, 15:00-17:00.
The door's open, feel free to drop by.
If you cannot make that time, please send me an email, and we can
arrange an individual meeting.
Sun, 16 Jan 2011: Lecture notes for the first week have been posted on the course web page,
the Introduction
and the lecture
on ADTs
and specifications.
Mon, 10 Jan 2011: I'm setting up the RSS feed for the course. You should see an RSS link up
in your browser. Using a feed reader is probably the best way to keep
up to date with the course. Oh, and welcome, by the way.
Course Information
Time and Location: Tue/Fri 11:45-13:30
108 West Village H
Instructor: Riccardo Pucella,
328 West Village H (#23H)
Office hours: Mondays 15:00-17:00 (in 328 WVH)
Teaching Assistant: Jake Rozin (Office hours: Thursdays 14h00-16h00 in 102 WVH),
email: rozinj@ccs.neu.edu
Course Web Site: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/riccardo/cs3500
Prerequisites: CS 2510
Textbooks: The only textbook for this class is really a
reference manual for the language we will be using, Scala:
There are also online references for Scala, towards the bottom
of this web page. As far as a textbook for the design part of the
course, there is none. I will post
lecture notes here, and give you pointers to online
documents. You may find the following book useful,
although it is not required, and we won't actually follow it:
- C. Hostermann, Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, 2nd
edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2006
Grading: Grading will be based on weekly homeworks
(50%), a midterm (25%), and a final exam (25%).
There may also be one or more quizzes, which may count as either
assignments or exams at the whim of the instructor.
While some program assignments may require students to work in
teams, most assignments and all quizzes and exams are individual.
Student work is subject to the Academic
Honesty and Integrity Policy.
Security is an important aspect of
software development. In this course, students are expected to protect
the software they develop from plagiarism. The quality of
this protection will be graded.
Schedule Outline and Lecture Notes
This schedule is subject to change without warning. Readings
will be assigned to supplement lectures, and posted here.
The Homework
Submission Web Interface.
- Homework 1: Due Wednesday, Feb 2, 2011.
- Homework 2: Due Wednesday, Feb
16, 2011.
- Homework 3: Due Tuesday, Mar 8, 2011.
- Homework 4: Due Wednesday, Mar
23, 2011.
- Homework 5: Due Wednesday, Apr
6, 2011.
- Homework 6: Due date, see homework.
Scala Resources
As I said above, my goal is to use Scala as a programming
language in this course. You can think of Java as the next
iteration of Java, although it is not a Sun language, but rather
was developed at EPFL in Switzerland. More details on the Scala
programming language web site:
The latest stable release is version 2.8.0. This is the version we
will be using. You can download the Scala compiler here:
If you want to use Scala from the Eclipse IDE, then I
suggest you install the Scala plugin for Eclipse (which install
Scala too, so no need to install it separately). The Eclipse
Scala plug-in can be found here:
Note that this seems to require Eclipse 3.5.2 [codenamed
Galileo]. The plug-in for version 3.6 of Eclipse [Helios] seems to
be still experimental, so use at your own risks. I suggest
installing a version of Eclipse 3.5.2 if you want to use the Scala
plug-in. That version of Eclipse can be found here:
You install the plug-in from within Eclipse itself -- here at
the instructions:
If you have any trouble, please send us an email.
If you use a different IDE, you can find some plug-ins for
other IDEs like IntelliJ here:
There is a version installed on the Linux server on the college
network, but that version is 2.7.5, which is unfortunate, because
there has been some changes to the standard libraries between the
two versions. I will ask them to update the install, but it might
take some time. In the meantime I will make my version available
to you there, if you want. Just let me know
There is a fair amount of online documentation on Scala. Here
are some good starting points: