(import (obj-lecture collection-delegate)
(except (obj-lecture queue1-delegate) isEmpty)
(obj-lecture tree-delegate)
(define (check msg val)
(let* ((tgt-msg-length 20)
(pad (make-string (max 0 (- tgt-msg-length
(string-length msg)))
(msg+pad (string-append msg pad)))
(display msg+pad)
(write val)
(define q1 (empty))
(check "{}:"
(toList q1))
(define q2 (addElem (addElem (addElem q1 'a) 'b) 'c))
(check "{a b c}:"
(toList q2))
(check "{b c}:"
(toList (tail q2)))
(define t1 (empty))
(check "{}:"
(toList t1))
(define t2 (node (node (leaf) (leaf) 'p)
(node (node (leaf) (leaf) 'q)
(node (leaf) (leaf) 'r)
(check "{p q r s t}:"
(toList t2))
(check "t2 a leaf?"
(isLeaf t2))
(check "t2.rgt leaf?"
(isLeaf (right t2)))
(check "t2.lft leaf?"
(isLeaf (left t2)))
(check "t2.lft.value:"
(nodeValue (left t2)))
(check "t2.rgt as list:"
(toList (right t2)))
(check "q2 and t2 as list:"
(toList (addAll q2 t2)))
(check "t2 and q2 as list:"
(toList (addAll t2 q2)))