CS U290: Logic and Computation - Syllabus
Fall 2008 (archived)
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CS U290 is a 4-credit course. The corequisite lab portion, CS U291,
is a 1-hour course.
You should have completed CS U200 and CS U211 before taking CS U290.
You should get approval from the instructor if you have not.
Course Description
Introduces formal logic and its connections to computer and
information science. Offers an opportunity to learn to translate
statements about the behavior of computer programs into logical
claims and to gain the ability to prove such assertions both by
hand and using automated tools. Considers approaches to proving
termination, correctness, and safety for programs. Discusses
notations used in logic, propositional and first order logic,
logical inference, mathematical induction, and structural
induction. Introduces the use of logic for modeling the range of
artifacts and phenomena that arise in computer and information
We will use the following textbook:
Reasoning: An Approach. Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, and J Strother
Moore. Kluwer Academic Publishers, June, 2000. (ISBN: 0-7923-7744-3)
Note: An updated paperback version can be
purchased on the Web. This is much cheaper than the hardcover
version. Used copies might be available from students previously
in the class.
You may skip the following parts of the book, which will not be used/covered
in this course:
- Section 3.8, "Guards and Type Correctness"
- Section 3.9, "Introduction to Macros"
- Section 4.6, "Arrays and Single-Threaded Objects"
- Chapter 5, "Macros"
- Appendix sections A.1 - A.3 are largely irrelevant
Tentative Syllabus
Here is an overview of the material that we expect to cover. We
reserve the right to make modifications.
- The ACL2 programming language
- Data types
- Primitive functions
- Defining functions
- Common recursions
- Tail recursion
- Multiple values
- Mutual recursion
- Assertions and testing
- The ACL2 logic
- Quantifier-free first orer logic
- Axioms of ACL2
- Equational Reasoning
- Recursive definitions and the definitional principle
- Induction
- Quantification
- Termination
- Godel's completeness theorem
- Mechanization of ACL2
- Organization of ACL2
- Simplification
- Decision procedures
- Proof techniques
- The method
- Inspecting failed proofs
- Proof strategies and modularity
- Applications
- Data Structures
- Logic Design
- Compilers
- Video Games
- ...
- Homework (10% of your grade).
There will be regular homework assignments, usually turned
in via Blackboard.
For most homeworks, you will be allowed to work in teams
of 2. We recommend that you to first try to solve the
problems on your own, and then meet with your teammate to go
over your solutions and try to solve any unresolved
- 6 exams (15% each).
There will be no makeup exams,
for any reason. You can drop up to 2 exams. When we assign
grades, we will automatically determine which (if any) of the
exams it is to your advantage to drop.
You may use one double-sided (or two single-sided) cheat sheet
during each exam.
- Final exam (0-30%).
You can drop 0-2 exams and the final exam will count for the remainder of
your grade. You can also simply use the grades from your 6 exams and then
you do not need to take the final exam. You may use two double-sided
(or four single-sided) cheat sheets during the final.