CS U290: Logic and Computation
Fall 2008 (archived)

[Syllabus] [Lectures] [Assignments]

Announcements  (removed for archived page)


Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, 241 Forsyth Building

Lab: Mondays, 11:45-12:30 or 12:40-1:25, 212 West Village H

Exams: 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, and 12/4, 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, 404 Robinson Hall (for space considerations)

Final exam: 12/18, 8 AM, 119 Dodge Hall
(There is no additional final exam for CSU291, the lab portion.)


Peter Dillinger, Instructor
Office: 330 W.V.H
Office hours: Mondays & Thursdays after class, Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 and by appointment

Dimitrios Vardoulakis, Teaching Assistant
Office: 330 W.V.H
Office hours: Tuesdays 10-12 and by appointment


Students will use the ACL2s development environment for the ACL2 theorem proving system.

Home installation. If you already have Eclipse, follow the detailed install instructions. Otherwise, you can get a prepackaged Eclipse+ACL2s+ACL2.

In CCIS Labs. Refer to this page for how to find and configure ACL2s in the labs.
Also, practice your boolean logic skills in the boolean logic game.