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Ph.D paper requirement
How to write well? Some dissertation
advice from Olin Shivers.
Need general help of PhD life? Read some advices from
Michael Ernst.
More information
about academic research and writing from Mark Leone
Research Labs
Zheng Huiping
David Doermann
Martin Styner
Ketih Price
Song Chun Zhu
Stan Z. Li
IEEE IEEE Image Processing IEEE PAMI Pattern Recognition 2002 2000 1998 1996 Comp. Vision and Patt. Recog.(CVPR) 2003 2001 2000 1999 IEEE Medical Imaging IEEE Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE Information Tech. in Biomedicine |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research U. Washington AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence) Intel. Journal of Image and GraphicsSIGIR 1999 SIGIR (2000) SIGIR(2001) SIGIR(2002) SIGIR(2003) ICDAR2003 ICDAR2001 ICDAR1999 DLIA 2003 DLIA2001 GREC2003 GREC2001 (papers) GREC1999 GREC1997 IJPRAI(Intel. J. Pattern Rec. and Artificial Intelligence) |
Science Direct IEEE Xplore
DirectACM Digital Library(from NU library) or ACM SpringerLink(from NU library) or SpringerLink |
Experiences Through Image Processing) papers