Mar. 29rd, 2004 Advisory Committee Meeting
CCIS presentation
Biology presentation
Discussion/Suggestions from committee
Biology :
Mar. 23rd, 2004
In our group meeting, we discussed the feedbacks from the volunteers
students, and what we need to do for the next few weeks.
1. Based on studnets' portoflios, collect information of students'
input in the system, organize them to help to design the database.
2. Connect coops with skills. Actually not only coops, but also
professional practices.
3. Mark have a concern that if we should organize the coop category as
coops one by one, or project one by one.
4. Friday 2-3pm, meet with VIera to prepare for next Monday's committee
meeting. show the system online, or some snapshots. also need to write
some related stuff.
5. Next Wednesday, organize these students to make schedules for next
6. System Design. This is a big topic, and we need some time to think
about the system design, discuss it and refine it.
We need a systematic approach to work on this.
For EMPLOYERS: after an employer login, he can find two or three
lists of students: one list of students who are in coop in this
employer's company; one list of studetns who share their portfolios with
this company, i.e., portfolios of students who did coops in this
company, one list of students who share their portfolios without any
specific reasons.
Coop DB/System DB should have some difference because of some
results like grades, we don't want them to be shown to employers.
For next weeks' advisory committee meeting, I should do:
1. check web availability of the meeting place: Frost Lounge, located
on the first floor of Ell Hall
2. snapshot, or organize what pages are to be shown to the committee
3. prepare what should be explained to the committee
4. change the organization of the portfolio to connect skills and coop
more tightly
5. dress up?
Nov. 3rd, 2003
Today, we focus on Mark and Mingyan's reports, and have a phone talk
with rsmart.
Mark talked about the organization of the portfolio. Besides "About
me"(personal info about the portfolio owner) and "Permission"(share with
others), there are several categories like computer skills, projects,
etc. He suggests that before clicking the category to goto its detail,
there should be a summary of this category to conclude what the students
has done for this category, for this skill.
Mark also talked about how to define "goal", how to define different
levels of "goal", how to connect "goal" with different categories.
Viera talked about the communication with rsmart. We had a phone
meeting with rsmart, talked about several general and technical problems.
Mingyan did two things in the last two weeks, built OSPI on yildun and
thinked about OSPI/rsmart. About building of OSPI, I have a detailed
report in my journal since it's about technical. About comparison of
OSPI/rsmart. rsmart is based on OSP, adding some customization and
capabilities, e.g., customize categories and elements, change
hierarchies, and configuration manager can change size, font, etc.
For security, I talked with David from system group, he said it's ok if
there is no real data. and basically, I myself should work on security.
Make sure that tomcat can only access directory of portfolio, firewall,
In the phone meeting with rsmart, we discussed several problems. The
code does not provide the whole map of the code, if I want to modify the
code, I should read and make clear the code myself. It basically does
not allow me to add a new group of users, like faculty and employers. It
shows that it will not easy for us to modify the code, since that will
effect the interactions among different parts of the code, and if I do
modify the code, it wil be difficult to combine the newer version with
the modified code. Security is a big problem, I should make it work
myself based on various techs.
I am wondering if we should work on the project on ourown. Like Mark
said, rsmart sounds not fit our needs. Let me retest my com3315 project,
then try to replace Oracle with MySQL, if these work fine, let me try to
write the code instead of using OSPI. I can use it as a resource though.
Oct. 20th, 2003
In today's meeting, each of us talked about what we've done in the last
three weeks.
My report includes: survey, system requirements and functionalities.
I was suggested:
1. write some scenarios about the functionalities. like faculty
teaching a class wants toknow something about his students; a student
wants to query faculty
2. draw a matrix to show different elements and different levels of
each elements.
3. design database better
4. explore as much as possible of what the users will
5. documentation the interaction between users and system
Lesilse talked about her survey. She found other sites are
various-organized, but not very categoried.
Mark talked about his work on functionalities like levels. e.g., how
many levels we should assign for each skills, and what are they.
Mel emphasized that we should have some pilot in January.
Oct. 13rd (Columbus Day)