Larceny Note #7: Foreign Function Interfaces

Lars T. Hansen / INCOMPLETE DRAFT, 29 April 1999
(Information about the FFI implementation that has not been incorporated in this note is in the file README in the Ffi subdirectory.)


Larceny's Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is a low-level interface and is not primarily intended for direct use by the programmer. Instead, it is a suitable target for interface generator tools such as FFIGEN, or as a substrate on which to build more user-friendly FFIs such as Larceny's "standard" FFI.

The FFI has two levels, both accessible to the programmer. The lower level provides direct access to operating-system and architecture specific functions for loading foreign code dynamically, for obtaining the addresses of foreign functions, for constructing trampolines and callbacks, and for invoking foreign functions. The upper level provides operating-system and architecture independent abstractions on top of the lower level. The lower level remains accessible to allow for finer control than that provided by the upper level.

This note is in part something of a position statement on FFIs. The first part, which describes the lower level, starts with a discussion of the issues involved in creating an FFI and describes the principles and observations that led to the current design. That discussion is followed by a presentation of the actual design. Subsequent parts describe the upper level and some of the implementation details.


(These need to be links.)

The Lower level

General Principles


A foreign function interface (FFI) is a facility in a programming language (called the host language) that allows programs written in that language to call functions written in another programming language (called the foreign language)and to manipulate foreign objects and variables, and that allows foreign functions to call functions written in the host language and to manipulate host objects and variables.

Sometimes, a foreign function interface provides only a subset of the listed operations.

A call from the host language to a foreign function is called a call-out, and a call from the foreign language to a host procedure is called a call-back. More generally, a call from one language to a function in the other is called a cross-language call.

Breakdown of operations in the FFI

A foreign-function interface that provides only a call-out service to the foreign language must support the following operations:

In addition, if the foreign-function interface allows the addresses of host program data to escape to the foreign language, there are additional constraints on the garbage collector if:

In either case, an arrangement must be made with the host language's garbage collector so that (a) any objects referenced from the foreign function's data and variables can be found by the collector, preventing reclamation of the object; (b) those object will not be moved by the collector, unless the foreign function is prepared to deal with this possibility; and (c) if the foreign function retains a pointer to the host datum after return, but later overwrites that pointer, then we'd like the host datum to be reclaimed by the garbage collector when appropriate.

In addition, if call-backs from the foreign function to the host program are allowed, the garbage collection constraints must be obeyed, and the functionality listed below is needed. I am assuming that the foreign code is opaque in the sense that it cannot be changed to accommodate a call-out to the host function, and that every object or procedure seen by the foreign function must have foreign data formats.

Loading and linking

Foreign procedures are most conveniently loaded into a running system from a dynamic library (called a shared object under Unix and a dynamic link library (DLL) under Windows). Usually, foreign procedures are loaded by loading the library in which they reside; this brings the symbol table of the library under the control of the dynamic linker. Many operating systems have dynamic libaries. On operating systems that don't, the host system must either implement its own loading facility, require the programmer to pre-load the foreign procedures into the host system (usually by linking them into the host system executable), or, in the worst case, set up a separate process that runs the foreign procedures, and communicate with this process using some form of IPC system.

Once the foreign procedures have been loaded, their address may be obtained through a linking process; again, this is usually supported directly by the operating system or system libraries, in the form of a dynamic linker. The dynamic linker is presented with a reference to the library and the name of the procedure and returns the procedure's static address.

The foreign function interface must present the correct procedure name to the linker. This is easy for some languages and much harder for others. For C, there are commonly two possibilities. The names in an object file are case-sensitive, and either have an underscore prepended or not; the default depends on the operating system and sometimes on the calling convention selected.

For Fortran (certainly Fortran 77), names are usually uppercase but otherwise unaltered.

For C++, names are much harder. C++ compilers perform name mangling, where the type of a function is encoded in the function's name. This lets C++ compilers use linkers that don't support types and type checking, and still get type checking across module boundaries at link time. Unfortunately, the exact name mangling scheme is compiler dependent, and the foreign function interface must therefore know the mangling scheme of the compiler that compiled the foreign code when it links to the foreign procedure. In some cases, this scheme may be undocumented, and it may be illegal to reverse engineer it. (See section 7.1.2c of Ellis and Stroustrup [ARM] for one example of a mangling scheme.)

Data conversion

At this level of discussion, we're dealing exclusively with data representations, not with data types per se. The data conversion part of the FFI must convert host language representations to foreign language representations, or vice versa, or signal an error if this is not possible.

Most of the discussion in this section is a lengthy justification for the sparsity of Larceny's FFI's data conversion facilities. The summary of the justification is that except for pretty trivial stuff, you can't invent a facility that will work in a lot of cases, so why bother. It's better to get the basic ideas right.

Primitive types

Some foreign-function interfaces have large sets of rules for data conversion at the call boundary. Most of these rules could fairly easily be implemented on the Scheme level as a wrapper to the foreign function call, and in my opinion that's where they should be implemented. The basic data conversions should be kept simple.

A typical data conversion problem is the following. The host language is Scheme and the foreign language is C; the architecture's word size is 32 bits. We have a C function that takes an int parameter, i.e., a signed 31-bit integer. The Scheme implementation has two representations for exact integers: fixnums, which are signed 29-bit exact integers; and bignums, which are arbitrary-sized exact integers Neither representation corresponds to the C representation, so conversion must take place at the language boundary. The algorithm is simple: if the argument is a fixnum, then convert it; if the argument is a bignum and it's not too large to fit, then convert it; otherwise, it's an error.

The following table shows the fundamental conversion rules for a modern byte-addressable 32-bit architecture (i.e., essentially all 32-bit architectures of any interest).

Conversion rule	    Call-out		  Return
---------------     ------------------    -------------------
signed32	    integer => int	  int => integer
unsigned32	    integer => unsigned   unsigned => integer
ieee32		    flonum => float	  float => flonum
ieee64 		    flonum => double	  double => flonum
pointer 	    boxed => pointer	  illegal
pointer+ n	    boxed => pointer	  illegal
object		    boxed => word	  word => boxed
void		    illegal		  any => unspecified
The pointer conversion takes a boxed Scheme object and passes it as a pointer to the first byte beyond the header of that object. The pointer+ conversion takes a boxed Scheme object and passes it as a pointer to the nth byte beyond the header of that object; n must be nonnegative. The object conversion is an identity on Scheme objects.

To copy or not to copy

Most Scheme and Lisp FFIs expend much energy on making it convenient and cheap to pass strings to C without having to copy them. Commonly, native strings are represented with both a length field and a zero-byte terminator; passing the address of the first character of such a string to a C procedure has the effect of passing a C string ("char*"). While such a hack would work well in the context of Larceny's FFI, a more principled approach is that (a) there are other foreign languages than C, (b) when Larceny has Unicode characters, the string hack will work less well, and (c) there are other data types that are more important than strings. Therefore, strings must in general be copied or explicitly kept in a C-compatible format by the programmer.

There is a more general problem here: copying is not free, hence it is nice to avoid copying, and sometimes it is vital to avoid copying. Copy avoidance is difficult as long as different languages or even language implementations use different representations for the "same" data. The string example above is benign; a much harder problem is that most Scheme systems represent vectors of floating-point numbers as vectors that contain pointers to boxed flonums on the heap, whereas C and Fortran represent them as plain vectors of floating-point numbers. No reasonable amount of hackery will save you from copying when converting one format to the other.

It is possible to avoid copying by choosing a data representation that optimizes for the common case; for example, if we have floating-point vectors that are largely manipulated by Fortran subroutines and only sometimes inspected by Scheme code, they can be stored in Fortran format (using Scheme bytevectors as the underlying representation is one possibility), and Scheme accessors can be written to access their elements. In the worst case, we may still need an occasional conversion, but since the common case is handled well, a conversion may be affordable.

Still, the "best representation" solution is only partial because it may break existing code in the host language: existing code won't know about the new representation, and it must therefore be rewritten, or at least altered to accomodate multiple representations. In a strongly typed language, it is in principle possible to declare the representation of a data type to be compatible with some external entity, and in fact the Ada 95 Foreign Language Interface provides this capability. In a latently typed language like Scheme, or in a less ambitious language than Ada, having multiple representations for a given datum typically has a non-negligible run-time cost.

Structured data

By "structured data" I mean foreign records and structure types: non-atomic data with named fields. Some of the discussion is relevant to array types also.

Many Common Lisp FFIs and some Scheme FFIs have elaborate mechanisms for defining foreign structured types; these mechanisms usually take the form of a structure definition language (a syntactic form) coupled with primitives for explicitly allocating and deallocating foreign structures. In addition, there is a mechanism for accessing foreign structure fields from Scheme. The mechanism must have knowledge of the representations used by the compiler of the foreign language; sometimes this is easy (Pascal, C), other times not (C++).

By treating the foreign structures as abstract data types and defining suitable operations on them, these systems manage to maintain the illusion that the structures look a lot like Scheme data, except that the structures are strongly typed and their basic types (like integers) have a limited range. Internally, the structures are represented as a "foreign-pointer" object, an ADT that represents a foreign object by wrapping the address of the foreign object in a Lisp object. Some systems, like MacScheme, abandon the wrapping and deal in raw pointers.

For Larceny's fundamental FFI I have decided to abandon this strategy. No primitives will be provided for allocating or deallocating foreign memory, nor for declaring foreign structures and their operations; nor will there be a built-in facility for representing a foreign pointer. Instead, the fundamental FFI provides basic data access operations in the form of memory access primitives: essentially, PEEK and POKE. All the other facilities can and should be implemented on a higher level, for example in a system like FFIGEN or in a specialized structure-definition language that can be customized as appropriate for local conditions. Section FIXME, below, describes the memory access primitives that will be provided.

Call by reference

Call-by-reference / call-by-value-return (maybe)

If the foreign procedure uses a call-by-reference calling convention for one or more of its arguments, then the data conversion layer may have to set this up.

Null pointers

Object identity

Object identity across call-out/call-back: does it matter?


Context switching

A cross-language call causes a context switch: the run-time context in the caller's language has to be saved, and a run-time context in the callee's language has to be created.

For example, Larceny on the SPARC does not use the same stack or the same register conventions as C does. Instead of using the C stack, it has its own, with stack frames that look very different from the C stack, and it has its own stack pointer. It does not use the hardware register windows. Therefore, when a call from Scheme to C takes place, the registers used in the Scheme context, including the stack pointer and heap pointer, must be saved in a designated save area. Then, the C context must be entered, which in this case doesn't take any actual work, as the C stack pointer is already in a register (this is required by the hardware). Once the process is in a C context, the call to the C function can take place.

More generally, a cross-language call temporarily violates the run-time invariants of both languages, once during the call and once during the return:

          +------------+                    +----------+
          |   Scheme   |     +--------+     |   C      |
          |  run-time  |---->| Switch |---->| run-time |
          |   context  |     +--------+     |  context |
          +------------+                    +----------+
It is convenient (and reasonable) to consider two other parts of the FFI part of the context switch box. The lowest level of data conversion breaks abstraction barriers and operates with knowledge of both execution environments, and happens during the switch. The code that sets up the parameters to the callee is also part of the switch, since it typically has to use extra-linguistic mechanisms to do this (see the section "The dirty bits", below). In Larceny's FFI, the conversion code, the context switch code, and the parameter setup code are all separated, but they run in sequence during a call-out or call-back without any other code intervening, and it's therefore useful to consider them a unit.

Calling model

When one or both of the languages has first-class continuations, the effects of the use of those continuations in the context of call-outs and call-backs must be carefully stated. More generally, we need to specify the calling model in effect at cross-language calls. Here are some calling models:

The dirty bits

On the very lowest level, the FFI must construct a procedure call in the foreign language from a function address and a list of actual argument represented as foreign-language objects. Most languages do not come with an "apply" primitive that makes this easy, so the FFI must supply its own apply function for the foreign language. Since the foreign language's calling conventions are not typically expressible in either the host or the foreign language, we must get our hands dirty and create executable code that performs the call.

If the foreign language's calling conventions are simple, we can write code in a high-level language that creates an image of the parameter area in a memory array, and then calls a simple assembly language subroutine that copies the arguments into their proper place and jumps to the foreign procedure. For example, the calling conventions for C on the SPARC are simple: all arguments are passed in integer registers or on the stack, following simple rules.

If the foreign conventions are less simple, for example if multiple parameter areas are being used such as both integer register, floating point registers, and the stack, then it may be easier to just generate machine code that performs the necessary setup; our assembly language subroutine from the previous case would otherwise be pretty complicated. This sounds pretty ugly but is surprisingly simple in practice; Larceny's FFI uses this method.

Error handling

In this section, I will discuss error handling and signalling at the language boundaries, without going into a rant about the sorry state of error signalling and handling facilities in many programming languages.

If we assume that there is a method whereby an error is signalled in a particular language, and that there is a mechanism in the language that allows the program to catch any error and discover what the error was (the error is reified as an inspectable data object). Then error handling at the language boundary can be implemented as a catch-all at the language boundary, and the error can be transformed into an object inspectable in the other language. By this mechanism, an error can be reliably propagated across a language boundary, and error handlers can be in any language.

Sadly, many languages do not have error signalling and handling facilities at all: C programmers use longjmp and Scheme programmers use continuations, for example, both of which do not in themselves qualify as adequate signalling and handling mechanisms. In addition, not all languages that do have decent exception facilities are able to set up this type of catch-all. For example, both C++ and Modula-3 can set up a catch-all, but the error caught by a catch-all is not inspectable after the catch.

Error handling therefore becomes dependent not only on the foreign language, but also on the foreign library. If the foreign library procedures returns error codes, then those can be handled easily. If it uses exceptions, then we may have to write exception handling stubs and wrap calls to the library procedures in those stubs. If it uses longjmp (it shouldn't), then major surgery may be needed to get error handling right. In either case, it's not something we should try to solve completely in the low-level FFI.

A reasonable way to signal an error across the language boundary is by either returning a magic value to the caller, or by setting a flag in the callee that is checked by the caller. The flag could be passed as a by-reference parameter, for example, or it could be global.

Garbage collection and memory allocation

Our options: conservative, nonmoving, or mostly-copying collectors. Use of dedicated non-moving areas. Explicitly-managed memory. Foreign data only. Hybrid (mostly-copying) or very hybrid (precise+conservative) collectors.

The lowest-level interface


The loading and linking functions are specific to the operating system and probably to the foreign language; see each relevant section for details.

The actual context switching box looks like this:

  +------------+                 +----------+
  |   Scheme   |   +---------+   |   C      |
  |  run-time  |-->| Syscall |-->| run-time |-->| Conversion |-->|  Param  |-->
  |   context  |   +---------+   |  context |        (C)           (SPARC)
  +------------+                 +----------+

The procedure ffi/apply performs lowest-level data conversion, and uses a trampoline created with ffi/make-trampoline to invoke the foreign function and capture the return value or exception. On of the arguments to ffi/make-trampoline is an ABI object that procedurally defines the exact calling conventions for the platform, OS, language, and language implementation. The ABI object is used in constructing the trampoline.

The argument descriptor is a list of argument types. The exact types allowed at the lowest level depends on the particular platform, OS, language, and language implementation. As an example, on the ANSI C interface on the SPARC architecture, the following are the legal argument types:

      argument type     host data allowed
      -------------     -----------------
      signed32          exact integers in the range -2^31..2^31-1
      unsigned32        exact integers in the range 0..2^32-1
      ieee32            flonums (IEEE single); will cast to double
      ieee64            flonums (IEEE double)
      pointer           vector-like, bytevector-like, or pair
and the following are the legal return types:
      return type     host data created
      -----------     -----------------
      signed32        exact integer in the range -2^31..2^31-1
      unsigned32      exact integer in the range 0..2^32-1
      ieee64          flonum
      ieee32          flonum
Note in particular that many common types (char, boolean, null, pointers to foreign data, pointers to host data created by the foreign function) are not represented. The upper level of the FFI may support some of these types and is expected to convert them as appropriate before passing them to the lower-level procedures. This division of labor allows more of the FFI to be written in Scheme, which is A Good Thing, especially in a fast implementation like Larceny.

Common functions

(ffi/make-trampoline abi-object addr arg-descriptor ret-descriptor) => trampoline

ABI-object is an object that represents a calling convention for the foreign language; see above. Addr is a foreign function address as returned from the operating-system specific linking procedure. Arg-descriptor is a list of symbols denoting argument types, selected from the ABI-specific list of valid types. Ret-descriptor is a symbol denoting a return type, ditto.

(ffi/convert-arg-descriptor abi-object arg-descriptor) => arg-encoding

(ffi/convert-ret-descriptor abi-object ret-descriptor) => ret-encoding

(ffi/apply trampoline arg-encoding ret-encoding actuals) => error-code object
Trampoline is a datum returned from ffi/make-trampoline. Arg-encoding and ret-encoding are suitable encodings of argument type and return type descriptors, as returned by ffi/convert-arg-descriptor and ffi/convert-ret-descriptor, respectively. Finally, actuals is a list of the actual arguments to the foreign procedure. The arguments are converted to foreign types as appropriate, the foreign function is called, and the value it returns, if any, is converted to a Scheme datum and returned as the second value from ffi/apply.

If no exception has been raised by the foreign function, then the error-code is #f and the second value, object, is the valid return value (or #!unspecified if the return type is void). If an exception was raised, then error-code is #t, and object is a value that denotes the particular error; this value depends on the foreign language and its exception conventions. The only exception to this rule is that if the object is the symbol conversion-error, then a data conversion error occurred in the callout. (Note: it would be possible to do range/type checking before calling ffi/apply, simplifying the latter.)

FFI to ANSI C on SunOS 4


(ffi/dlopen object-file-name) => handle | #f
ffi/dlopen takes a string that represents the name of some dynamically loadable object file (FIXME: is this just .so files or can we use .o files and .a files too?) and invokes the SunOS dlopen procedure. If dlopen returns 0, then ffi/dlopen returns #f; otherwise, dlopen returns a handle in the form of an address, and this address is returned by ffi/dlopen as an unsigned exact integer.

(ffi/dlsym handle name) => address | #f
ffi/dlsym takes a handle as returned by ffi/dlopen and a string representing the name of the symbol to look up in the library denoted by handle, and returns either the address of the symbol or #f if the symbol was not found in the library.

As a special case, handle can be #f, which means that the symbol will be resolved in the symbol table of the running program. Using this feature is generally not advisable, as no promises are made about the names in the Larceny executable.

(ffi/dlclose handle) => unspecified

Argument and return types

      argument type     host data allowed
      -------------     -----------------
      signed32          exact integers in the range -2^31..2^31-1
      unsigned32        exact integers in the range 0..2^32-1
      ieee32            flonums (IEEE single); will cast to double
      ieee64            flonums (IEEE double)
      pointer           vector-like, bytevector-like, or pair

      return type       host data created
      -----------       -----------------
      signed32          exact integer in the range -2^31..2^31-1
      unsigned32        exact integer in the range 0..2^32-1
      ieee32            flonum
      ieee64            flonum
      void              unspecified

ABI objects

The file ffi-sparc.sch defines two ABI objects: ffi/SPARC-C-callout-stdabi and ffi/SPARC-C-callback-stdabi. These use calling conventions that are compatible with SPARC ABI spec as outlined in the SPARC V8 manual.

The upper level

Heap dumping

(1) the library handle list must be cleared on dump or restore, and all the libraries and files must be reloaded. This is hard because the files may no longer be present (!) or any relative paths may have changed. We can sidestep this problem by simply stipulating that a non-found file will result in a fatal error; the user can use absolute file names as necessary. (A better solution packages the object files with the heap; this is possibly not too hard but will be bad space-wise for large shared libraries. An OS-dependent mechanism can be used: if it's not writeable by the user, or in a standard place, then leave it alone, otherwise save with the heap, and on load time place in /tmp and link to it; another way: if it's an absolute path, then leave alone, otherwise save with the heap.) In any event, the code goes in ffi-upper.sch and just sets up an init handler to clear the list and reload the files (the files can also be reloaded lazily, but this may not work for part 2).

(2) the functions will most likely have to be re-linked, because function addresses may have changed. To support this, it would be OK to have a procedure (ffi/change-funtion-address tramp addr) that would go in tramp.sch and would side-effect the trampoline with the function code; since the trampoline is a shared datum, this would be sufficient to re-link the procedure. Then, ffi-upper would keep a weak table of functions that would need to be re-linked at startup time. It seems moderately hairy to get the side effects right. Lazy linking can be done if we're willing to re-link all the functions to point to a built-in linker handler either at startup (defeats the purpose) or at shutdown (brittle but can be detected at startup if the static fn has "moved"). [The trampoline can encode the location(s) of the procedure address in the bytevector in a machine-specific way; then it's not too hard to do.]

A related problem is that the trampoline code may have been allocated in foreign memory! In that case, it must be reconstructed. (That does happen in the current system!)


The foreign function interface is implemented almost entirely in Scheme, with a little support code in the run-time system written in C.


[ARM] Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup. The Annotated C++ Reference Manual.

[PPoPP90] Hieb and Dybvig. Continuations and Concurrency. In PPoPP 1990.

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