Input and Output

Procedure close-open-files

(close-open-files) => unspecified

Closes all open files.

Procedure console-input-port

(console-input-port) => input-port

Returns a character input port s.t. no read from the port has signalled an error or returned the end-of-file object.

Rationale: console-input-port and console-output-port are artifacts of Unix interactive I/O conventions, where an interactive end-of-file does not mean "quit" but rather "done here". Under these conventions the console port should be reset following an end-of-file. Resetting conflicts with the semantics of ports in Scheme, so console-input-port and console-output-port return a new port if the current port is already at end-of-file.

Since it is convenient to handle errors in the same manner as end-of-file, these procedures also return a new port if an error has been signalled during an I/O operation on the port.

Console-input-port and console-output-port simply call the port generators installed in the parameters console-input-port-factory and console-output-port-factory, which allow user programs to install their own console port generators.

Procedure console-output-port

(console-output-port) => output-port

Returns a character output port s.t. no write to the port has signalled an error.

See console-input-port for a full explanation.

Parameter console-input-port-factory

The value of this parameter is a procedure that returns a character input port s.t. no read from the port has signalled an error or returned the end-of-file object.

See console-input-port for a full explanation.

Parameter console-output-port-factory

The value of this parameter is a procedure that returns a character output port s.t. no write the port has signalled an error.

See console-input-port for a full explanation.

Parameter current-input-port

The value of this parameter is a character input port.

Parameter current-output-port

The value of this parameter is a character output port.

Procedure delete-file

(delete-file filename) => unspecified

Deletes the named file. No error is signalled if the file does not exist.

Procedure eof-object

(eof-object) => end-of-file object

Eof-object returns an end-of-file object.

Procedure file-exists?

(file-exists? filename) => boolean

File-exists? returns #t if the named file exists at the time the procedure is called.

Procedure file-modification-time

(file-modification-time filename) => vector | #f

File-modification-time returns the time of last modification of the file as a vector, or #f if the file does not exist. The vector has six elements: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, all of which are exact nonnegative integers. The time returned is relative to the local timezone.

(file-modification-time "larceny") => #(1997 2 6 12 51 13)
(file-modification-time "geekdom") => #f

Procedure flush-output-port

(flush-output-port) => unspecified
(flush-output-port port) => unspecified

Write any buffered data in the port to the underlying output medium.

Procedure get-output-string

(get-output-string string-output-port) => string

Retrieve the output string from the given string output port.

Procedure open-input-string

(open-input-string string) => input-port

Creates an input port that reads from string. The string may be shared with the caller. A string input port does not need to be closed, although closing it will prevent further reads from it.

Procedure open-output-string

(open-output-string) => output-port

Creates an output port where any output is written to a string. The accumulated string can be retrieved with get-output-string at any time.

Procedure port?

(port? object) => boolean

Tests whether its argument is a port.

Procedure port-name

(port-name port) => string

Returns the name associated with the port; for file ports, this is the file name.

Procedure port-position

(port-position port) => fixnum

Returns the number of characters that have been read from or written to the port.

Procedure rename-file

(rename-file from to) => unspecified

Renames the file from and gives it the name to. No error is signalled if from does not exist or to exists.

Procedure reset-output-string

(reset-output-string port) => unspecified

Given a port created with open-output-string, deletes from the port all the characters that have been output so far.

Procedure with-input-from-port

(with-input-from-port input-port thunk) => object

Calls thunk with current input bound to input-port in the dynamic extent of thunk. Returns whatever value was returned from thunk.

Procedure with-output-to-port

(with-output-to-port output-port thunk) => object

Calls thunk with current output bound to output-port in the dynamic extent of thunk. Returns whatever value was returned from thunk.

$Id: io.html,v 1.8 2000/09/12 02:46:46 lth Exp $