Fixnum primitives

Fixnums are small exact integers that can be represented without heap allocation (see this note for more information). Larceny never represents a number that can be represented as a fixnum any other way, so programs that can use fixnums will do so automatically. However, operations that work only on fixnums can sometimes be substantially faster than generic operations, and the following primitives are provided for use in those programs that need especially good performance.

All arguments to the following procedures must be fixnums.

Procedure fixnum?

(fixnum? obj) => boolean

Returns #t if its argument is a fixnum, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fx+

(fx+ fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns the fixnum sum of its arguments. If the result is not representable as a fixnum, then an error is signalled (unless error checking has been disabled).

Procedure fx-

(fx- fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns the fixnum difference of its arguments. If the result is not representable as a fixnum, then an error is signalled.

Procedure fx--

(fx-- fix1) => fixnum

Returns the fixnum negative of its argument. If the result is not representable as a fixnum, then an error is signalled.

Procedure fx*

(fx* fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns the fixnum product of its arguments. If the result is not representable as a fixnum, then an error is signalled.

Procedure fx=

(fx= fix1 fix2) => boolean

Returns #t if its arguments are equal, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fx<

(fx< fix1 fix2) => boolean

Returns #t if fix1 is less than fix2, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fx<=

(fx<= fix1 fix2) => boolean

Returns #t if fix1 is less than or equal to fix2, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fx>

(fx> fix1 fix2) => boolean

Returns #t if fix1 is greater than fix2, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fx>=

(fx>= fix1 fix2) => boolean

Returns #t if fix1 is greater than or equal to fix2, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fxnegative?

(fxnegative? fix) => boolean

Returns #t if its argument is less than zero, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fxpositive?

(fxpositive? fix) => boolean

Returns #t if its argument is greater than zero, and #f otherwise.

Procedure fxzero?

(fxzero? fix) => boolean

Returns #t if its argument is zero, and #f otherwise.

Procedure logand

(logand fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns the bitwise and of its arguments.

Procedure logior

(logior fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns the bitwise inclusive or of its arguments.

Procedure lognot

(lognot fix) => fixnum

Returns the bitwise not of its argument.

Procedure logxor

(logxor fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns the bitwise exclusive or of its arguments.

Procedure lsh

(lsh fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns fix1 shifted left fix2 places, shifting in zero bits at the low end. If the shift count exceeds the number of bits in the machine's word size, then the results are machine-dependent.

Procedure most-positive-fixnum

(most-positive-fixnum) => fixnum

Returns the largest representable positive fixnum.

Procedure most-negative-fixnum

(most-negative-fixnum) => fixnum

Returns the smallest representable negative fixnum.

Procedure rsha

(rsha fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns fix1 shifted right fix2 places, shifting in a copy of the sign bit at the left end. If the shift count exceeds the number of bits in the machine's word size, then the results are machine-dependent.

Procedure rshl

(rshl fix1 fix2) => fixnum

Returns fix1 shifted right fix2 places, shifting in zero bits at the high end. If the shift count exceeds the number of bits in the machine's word size, then the results are machine-dependent.

$Id: fixnums.html,v 1.8 2000/09/12 02:46:45 lth Exp $